CodyMilne G4Proj

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Photon Energy deposition in a pure Ge crystal

Here are is the mass attenuation cross sections for Germanium --- Massattenuation.gif

Here is the range of electrons in Ge as a function of energy --- File:ERangeGe.tiff

Determine the deposition of photons ranging in energy from 10 eV to 3 MeV in a pure Germanium crystal assuming an infinite block.

Attenuation coefficient about 1/5.323 cm = 0.19 cm or about 2 mm to maybe 2 cm?

Create file containing Photon Energy, ProcessID, step #, Energy Lost, Position for each step a photon takes through the Germanium crystal.

Date Time
1/26/16 1 hour
1/27/16 1 hour
1/29/16 1 hour
2/4/16 1 hour
2/5/16 3 hour
2/8/16 2 hour
2/9/16 2 hour
2/10/16 1 hour
2/11/16 2 hour
2/14/16 2 hour
2/16/16 2.5 hour

Results of energy loss in Germanium

Why do SN>1 photons loose energy at Z = -9000?

10 eV

1-D plot of events for each step as function of Z

1-D plot of the energy deposited for each step as function of Z

200 px

100 eV

Start with[math] E_{gamma}[/math] = 100 eV

200 px

1 keV

Start with[math] E_{gamma}[/math] = 1 keV

200 px 200 px

10 keV

Start with[math] E_{gamma}[/math] = 10 keV

CM 10keVeLoss 2-7-2016.png 200 px

Energy Deposition

Send photons from inside an infinite crystal at 100, 500, 1000,3000 keV energy. Add up all the energy loss and see if you get delta functions or a delta + tail because GEANT4 stopped taking the photon and thus the energy is not accounted for.

100 keV

Start with[math] E_{gamma}[/math] = 100 keV

CM 100keVeLoss 2-7-2016.png

CM 100keVPOSZvsEVENTSNORM 2-14-2016.png

500 keV

Start with[math] E_{gamma}[/math] = 500 keV

Change units on Y-axis to Energy (eV?)

"No Backscattering" Do another plot with momentum cut Pz>0

Add 9000 to Z-position to start Ge barrier at zero

CM 500keVPOSZvsEVENTS 2-7-2016.png

CM 500keVPOSZvsEVENTScut 2-7-2016.png

CM 500keVPOSZvsEVENTSNORM 2-14-2016.png

CM 500keVPOSZvsPOSXColz 2-14-2016.gif

Are the 2-D plots energy weights (normalized)? Set the Z-axis color range by hand in cold.

CM 500keVeLoss 2-7-2016.png

1 MeV

Start with[math] E_{gamma}[/math] = 1 MeV

CM 1MeVeLoss 2-7-2016.png

CM 1MeVPOSZvsEVENTSNORM 2-14-2016.png

3 MeV

Start with[math] E_{gamma}[/math] = 3 MeV

CM 13MeVeLoss 2-8-2016.png CM 3MeVPOSZvsEVENTSNORM 2-14-2016.png

Runing Types

nohup ../exampleN02 run1.mac > /dev/null &

Divide canvas into 2 x 5
