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HV burnin

Step 1: Set Voltage to 50 volts on all channels. Probe HVB to be sure that all sense, field, and guard wires have a voltage. (You should set current threshold to 10 microAmps on the HV supply)

Step 2: While monitoring the current, ramp the HV at a speed of 5 V/s to the following

G:F:S= 525,-700,700

Step 3: Begin to take data recording the time and sense wire current as you ramp up the sense wire HV to 1400 volts while restricting the current draw to less than 10 micraAmps. Measure the voltage and current if either changes by more than 10%.


Guard current is typically below 0.01 microAmp

Date Guard Field Sense I_{Sense} I_{Field} Time
Volts Volts Volts [math]\mu[/math] A [math]\mu[/math] A
2/20/13 525 -700 1400 0.5 0.7 22:50


Guard current is typically below 0.01 microAmp

Date Guard Field Sense I_{Sense} I_{Field} Time
Volts Volts Volts [math]\mu[/math] A [math]\mu[/math] A
2/20/13 525 -700

Sector 6 - Serial Numbers on STB & HVB
Top Endplate Bottom Endplate
Board # (nose=1, tail=7) SL1 (STB) SL2 (HVB) SL1 (HVB) SL2 (STB)
1 G1202270 ? ? K1202516
2 G1202266 ? ? J1202341
3 G1202273 ? ? J1202339
4 G1202275 ? ? K1201716
5 G1202271 ? ? K1201717
6 G1202274 ? ? K1201719
7 G1202272 ? ? K1202346
HV Burn-in Log
Date Time (24h) HV Board ID Guard (V) Field (V) Sense (V) Sense ([math]\mu[/math]A) Field ([math]\mu[/math]A) comments
02/23/13 14:00 S6 SL2 HVB1 525 -700 700 2.2
02/23/13 14:20 S6 SL2 HVB1 525 -700 1400 8.3
02/23/13 14:24 S6 SL2 HVB1 525 -700 1400 5.145
02/23/13 14:27 S6 SL2 HVB1 500 -500 500
02/23/13 14:28 S6 SL2 HVB1 500 ? 700 0
02/23/13 14:41 S6 SL2 HVB1 525 -525 525
02/23/13 14:41 S6 SL2 HVB1 525 -700 700
02/23/13 14:49 S6 SL2 HVB1 525 -700 1400 .5 .7
02/23/13 15:50 S6 SL2 HVB1 525 -700 1450 .8 .775
02/23/13 15:52 S6 SL2 HVB1 525 -700 1400 .465 .465
02/23/13 17:25 S6 SL2 HVB1 536 -700 1500 .720
02/25/13 17:05 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -500 550 .08 .075
02/25/13 17:15 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 700 .08 .01
02/25/13 17:18 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1000 .12 .05
02/25/13 17:21 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1000 .345
02/25/13 17:24 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1200 8.9 almost tripped
02/25/13 17:26 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1100 1.85
02/25/13 17:31 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1200 8.6 Almost lowered voltage but it's decreasing
02/25/13 17:34 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1200 7.3
02/25/13 17:38 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1200
02/25/13 17:38 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1150 2.85
02/25/13 17:55 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1150 1.04 Powered down at end of day (18:00)
02/26/13 14:25 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -500 500 0 0.01
02/26/13 14:30 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 700 0 0.035
02/26/13 14:33 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1000 0.3 0.38
02/26/13 14:33 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1100 0.7 0.785
02/26/13 14:45 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1150 0.93 1.05
02/26/13 14:54 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1200


02/26/13 14:58 S6 SL2 HVB7 536 -700 1170 1.020 1.115

Pre-Potting Tension Error

SL1S6 Sense PrePot.pngSL2S6 Sense PrePot.png

SL1S6 Field PrePot.pngSL2S6 Field PrePot.png

MYSQL commands

mysql> show databases;

| Database           |
| information_schema | 
| mysql              | 
| region1            | 
| test               | 
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> use region1;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed

mysql> show tables;

| Tables_in_region1             |
| R1S1_Tension_Trend_Test_Field | 
| R1S1_Tension_Trend_Test_Sense | 
| R1S4_Tension_Trend_Test_Field | 
| R1S4_Tension_Trend_Test_Sense | 
| R1S5_Tension_Trend_Test_Field | 
| R1S6_Tension_Trend_Test_Field | 
| R1S6_Tension_Trend_Test_Sense | 
| R1_SL1_S1_Field               | 
| R1_SL1_S1_Sense               | 
| R1_SL1_S4_Field               | 
| R1_SL1_S4_Sense               | 
| R1_SL1_S5_Field               | 
| R1_SL1_S6_Field               | 
| R1_SL1_S6_Sense               | 
| R1_SL2_S1_Field               | 
| R1_SL2_S1_Sense               | 
| R1_SL2_S4_Field               | 
| R1_SL2_S4_Sense               | 
| R1_SL2_S5_Field               | 
| R1_SL2_S6_Field               | 
| R1_SL2_S6_Sense               | 
| R1_particleCounts             | 
| R1_work_log                   | 
23 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe R1_SL1_S6_Sense;

| Field            | Type        | Null | Key | Default           | Extra |
| iCol             | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL              |       | 
| iRow             | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL              |       | 
| PeriodMeasured   | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| Result           | varchar(32) | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| TensionMeasured  | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| CalculatedPeriod | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| SuperLayer       | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL              |       | 
| Length           | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| FreqMeasured     | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| TensionError     | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| TestLogic        | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL              |       | 
| CalcFreq         | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| HighCut          | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| LowCut           | float       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| Sector           | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL              |       | 
| Date             | varchar(32) | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
| Mod_time         | timestamp   | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |       | 
17 rows in set (0.04 sec)

mysql> select TensionError from R1_SL1_S6_Sense INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/R1SL1S6Sense.dat';