CH Starting CODA & Reading CODA Data

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Current as of 8/26/21

For data analysis



  • source ~/CODA/coda_scripts/setupCODA3.bash
  • source ~/src/ROOT/root-6.22.00/obj/bin/
  • cd /data/
  • ~daq/CODA/CODAreader/ROOT_V6.22/PAA/evio2nt -fr####.dat > /dev/null
  • Since future me is probably just as dumb as I am now, the r####.dat is the dat file output from the event manager (should match what is in RCGUI)
  • Example: r7074.dat


Open one terminal window and run the following commands

source CODA/3.10/coda_scripts/setupCODA3.tcsh
source ~/src/ROOT/v6.20/builddir/bin/thisroot.csh
cd /data/
~daq/CODA?CODAreader/ROOT_V6.22/PAA/evio2nt -fr####.dat >/dev/null

Starting CODA and RCGUI


First open 7 different terminal windows with csh (tcsh) environment

Source CODA 2.6.2 in each with the following command (assuming you're in the home/daq/ directory)

source CODA/2.6.2/setup

Run each of the following commands in a different window


Then run the following two commands in different windows

coda_eb_rc3 -i -s DAQ -n eb1 -t CDEB
coda_er_rc3 -i -s DAQ -n LDS_ER -t ER

Next, SSH into the read out controller (rocdaq1)

source CODA/2.6.2/setup
coda_roc_rc3 -t ROC -n rocdaq1

In the last unused terminal window, start up the run control gui (RCGUI) with the following command


Once the RCGUI has populated, select the configuration settings needed

  • Configuration->Cool
  • Select "PAA"
  • Click the Configure button (wrench & screwdriver icon on upper left)
  • Click the download button (floppy disk icon)
  • Click "Prestart" and then "Go" buttons

error FAQ

Solid Green Light on Read Card in rocdaq1

The bottom right light in the read card in rocdaq1 is solid means rocdaq1 needs to be restarted. (VU Light)

Either use the terminal open in daq2 or a keyboard connected to rocdaq1 itself to enter

shutdown -r 0

This will restart rocdaq1 immediately. Then SSH back into it using the commands in the "Starting CODA" section above. Given that everything works correctly (lol), you should only have to choose your configuration in the RCGUI again and then be able to continue collecting data.

Discrepancy between run numbers

I see the following error message when I click pre start in CODA. Discrepancy between run numbers: Coda2 db = 4384 Cool db = 4385 CodaRcPrestart service aborted.

The fastest fix is to go to the "expert" menu un rcgui and choose Set Run Number for both databases.
This will resync the two databases.

CODA2 dp communication error

Restart the process "et_start"

rm /tmp/et_sys_DAQ

If et_start fails to restart with the following error message:

"ERROR: et_system_start, ET system process already exists!"

find the PID number with

 netstat -ap | grep et_start

, kill the process, then try again.

ERROR: Data not ready in event 12164121 evStored = 0

The above error started happening.

Its not a multiple TDC hit just before a DAQ trigger

The problem was the the TDC sopt pulse was too close to the 25 ns width limit. I increased it to 40 ns and the problem went away.

Lost connection to the platform

rcgui killed EB and ER because it "lost connection to the platform".

The above error happens intermittently.

I think this is because the host computers hard disk is failing. Ben has made an image of the current disk which we will transfer, OS and all, to a new disk to see if this error stops.

Can not find container_admin

2013/06/12 10:03:01 Component = eb1 Host = registered with the platform.

ControlDesigner ERROR :Can not find container_admin on the node

Cant connect to MSQL server

moved daq2 to the IAC. hardcoded the IP addresses to the names in /etc/hosts file to bypass DNS server

The ROC appears to still be unable to talk to the MSQL server running on daq2 because it is using daq2's old IP address event though it pings the right address through the /etc/hosts file. perhaps the MSQL server address is cardcoded somewhere?

[root@rocdaq1 /etc]# coda_roc_rc3 -t ROC -n rocdaq1 Connect: Connection timed out msql error : Can't connect to MSQL server on Connect: Connection timed out MSQL_Cmd_Connect: error 'cause socket < 0 msql: Can't connect to MSQL server on

solution, the MSQL_HOME environmental variable was set to the IP address instead of the computer name

turn off the firewall

On CentOS 7 you use the command

systemctl status firewalld

to check the firewall status

to turn off the firewall

systemctl stop firewalld

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