CH Isotope Table

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Thermal Neutron Capture Gammas

Sodium & Iodine (NaI Detector)

Isotope Name Half Life Capture Gamma Lines (int > %)
Energy (KeV) Intensity
23Na Stable 90.99 49.27
472.20 100.00
869.23 22.59
874.40 15.89
1636.27 5.24
2025.09 6.85
2208.40 5.72
2414.45 5.32
2517.71 15.20
2752.22 13.67
3587.40 12.48
127I (secondary) Stable 27.36 23.03
52.378 11.727
58.107 19.829
67.118 7.207
124.2804 12.623
133.6106 100
142.1371 9.638
147.104 6.802
153.011 12.516
156.506 6.269
160.756 10.554
193.5634 6.78
248.742 7.441
301.897 11.834
344.757 5.352
420.843 7.143
129I 1.57 x 107 years 69.59 18.57
85.1104 8.286
159.9921 6.286
184.9756 9.143
309.794 7.186

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Isotope Name Half Life Capture Gamma Lines (int > %)
Energy (KeV) Intensity
27Al Stable 30.64 100.00
983.018 15.771
1013.676 9.677
1408.3 11.111
1526.17 6.452
1589.72 5.735
1622.87 16.487
2108.24 10.0358
2138.828 7.885
2271.65 7.527
2282.773 16.846
2577.725 7.885
2590.244 14.516
2821.461 13.978
3033.893 31.183
3465.067 25.305
3591.211 16.846
27Al Stable 2296.63 13.57
2533.4 21.494
4444.03 100
4711.18 39.0244
6739.53 28.963
7006.75 84.299
12C Stable 1261.76 47.96
3683.921 47.636
4945.301 100

PAS Experiment