CH HPGe Efficiency

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Eu152 Calibration

  • HPGe calibrated using Eu152 source
CH Eu152 Calibration Spectrum.png

As of 9/28/21

The calibration used to map from ADC channel number to KeV is:

[math]Photon\ Energy\ =\ -36.2928\ +\ 0.449519\ x\ -\ 0.000000861277\ x^2[/math]

Where x = channel 9 of the ADC and is input as PADC.PADC785N[9].

Total Efficiency

This is total efficiency using the Gadolinium foil as the source.

[math] (line\ intensity)\ (incident\ thermal\ neutrons\ per\ second)\ (\sigma_{total})\ (MCNP\ fudge\ factor\ from\ Paul\ ~4)\ =\ Theoretical\ Rate [/math]

Then find detected rate using HPGe

Divide (detected rate) by (theoretical rate) for total detector efficiency

PAS HPGe Detector