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File:CAEN V1495 Manual Rev6.pdf

Readout code


The ZIP file below contains the HDL source code to download into the V1495

The ZIP file below contains the ROC library

ROC lib

compile library

To compile the ROC library I executed the following command within the subdirectory containing the v1495.c file

ccppc  -fno-builtin -fno-for-scope -fstrength-reduce -mlongcall -mcpu=604 -DCPU=PPC604 -DVXWORKS -D_GNU_TOOL -DVXWORKSPPC -I/usr/local/coda/2.5/common/include/ -I../h -c -o v1495Lib.o -i v1495.c

load library onto the ROC

I then copies the library v1495Lib.o into my ROC library subdirectory which is where the ROC is pooing at boot up


I loaded the library by hand by typing the following at the ROC console

-> ld < v1495Lib.o
value = 268430512 = 0xfffecb0

Setting address

The address pins on this module are not labeled so I adopted the convention of numbering them from left to right as I look from the front pannel.

400 px

Pin Setting
SW 3 F
SW 4 A
SW 7 5
SW 8 1

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