Back of the envelope calculation for e+/e- ratio

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run# T1 T2 Sweep Magnet logic HV-D2L HV-D1R Reprate start stop Int Rate event number pulses
3735 in in out (DL & GunTrig) & (DR & GunTrig) 1150V 1150V 300-301 15:54:24 16:11:06 (1002 s) 9.0200 events/s 9045 301462
3736 in out out (DL & GunTrig) & (DR & GunTrig) 1150V 1150V 300-301 16:12:15 16:27:07 (892 s) 4.1736 events/s 3752 268289

Run 3735 positron charge

positron rates is 0.26 Hz.

Run times is 1002.

The total positron in this run is 260.

The current of the positron beam is: [math]260 \times 1.6 \times 10^{-19}=4.2 \times 10^{-17} [/math] C.

Run 3735 electron charge

The electron peak current is around 100 mA.

The pulse width is: 300 ns.

Then current in a single pulse is: 300 ns * 100 mA = 30 nC.

The total pulses in this run are: 301462

Then the total charge is this run: 30 nC * 300,000 = 9 mC.

e+ to e- ratio

e+ / e-= [math]\frac{4.2 \times 10^{-17}~C} {9~mC}[/math]