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Line 2: Line 2:
=10% Se mixed with Sage leaf ash=
=10% Se mixed with Sage leaf ash=
Mass of each sample
M_{mix} =
M_{Se} =
==Lines for investigation==
==Lines for investigation==
Line 22: Line 30:
[[File:10perc_07032017_1369keVLin.png | 200 px]][[File:10perc_07032017_2755keVLin.png | 200 px]]
[[File:10perc_07032017_1369keVLin.png | 200 px]][[File:10perc_07032017_2755keVLin.png | 200 px]]
[[File:10perc_07032017_1369keVLog.png | 200 px]][[File:10perc_07032017_2755keVLog.png | 200 px]]
[[File:10perc_07032017_1369keVLog.png | 200 px]][[File:10perc_07032017_2755keVLog.png | 200 px]]
;Air::250, 1267, 1517 keV - Ar-40
;Air::250, 1267, 1517 keV - Ar-40

Latest revision as of 22:17, 3 July 2017


10% Se mixed with Sage leaf ash

Mass of each sample

M_{mix} =

M_{Se} =


Lines for investigation

Found lines from Sage at energies of 147,250,389,1267,1369,1517,2169 and 2755 keV, All seem to have half lines longer than 1 hr.

10perc 5252017 0-500keV.png10perc 5252017 1200-3000keV.png

Compare to Background lines measured at


Possible sources for the lines

:1369, 2755 keV ::T1/2=15 hrs

10perc 07032017 1369keVLin.png10perc 07032017 2755keVLin.png 10perc 07032017 1369keVLog.png10perc 07032017 2755keVLog.png

File:SageBrushMg-vs-VolOil Powell.pdf

:250, 1267, 1517 keV - Ar-40

147 keV - not sure. Depending on what other lines are there, could be Ag-36, Cl-35, Kr-78

389 keV Sr-88, depending on what else is there

2169 keV - don't know

Time cuts for analysis

0-300  (Sage + Se 10% Se by weight)                                                                    
300-360 (Co-60)                                                                                        
400-640    ( Pure Se)                                                                                  
680-710    (Co-60)                                                                                     
730-1020   (Mixture)                                                                                   
1030-1080  (Co-60)                                                                                     
1100-1360  ( Pure Se)                                                                                  
1400-1440  (Co-60)                                                                                     
1480-1775  (Mixture)                                                                                   
1800-1840  (Co-60)                                                                                     
1875-2150  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
2190-2220  (Co-60)                                                                                     
2250-2550  (Mixture)                                                                                   
2590-2620  (Co-60)                                                                                     
2650-2930  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
2950-3000  (Co-60)                                                                                     
3050-3300  (Mixture)                                                                                   
3390-3350  (Co-60)                                                                                     
3400-3690  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
3700-3750  (Co-60)                                                                                     
3775-4050  (Mixture)                                                                                   
4060-4100  (Co-60)                                                                                     
4120-4400  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
4420-4470  (Co-60)                                                                                     
4480-4770  (Mixture)                                                                                   
4790-4820  (Co-60)                                                                                     
4840-5130  (Pure Se)                                                                                   

Analysis Code

#define TenPercSeInSage_cxx
#include "TenPercSeInSage.h"
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
void TenPercSeInSage::Loop()
//   In a ROOT session, you can do:                                                                             
//      root> .L TenPercSeInSage.C                                                                              
//      root> TenPercSeInSage t                                                                                 
//      root> t.GetEntry(12); // Fill t data members with entry number 12                                       
//      root> t.Show();       // Show values of entry 12                                                        
//      root> t.Show(16);     // Read and show values of entry 16                                               
//      root> t.Loop();       // Loop on all entries                                                            
//     This is the loop skeleton where:                                                                         
//    jentry is the global entry number in the chain                                                            
//    ientry is the entry number in the current Tree                                                            
//  Note that the argument to GetEntry must be:                                                                 
//    jentry for TChain::GetEntry                                                                               
//    ientry for TTree::GetEntry and TBranch::GetEntry                                                          
//       To read only selected branches, Insert statements like:                                                
// METHOD1:                                                                                                     
//    fChain->SetBranchStatus("*",0);  // disable all branches                                                  
//    fChain->SetBranchStatus("branchname",1);  // activate branchname                                          
// METHOD2: replace line                                                                                        
//    fChain->GetEntry(jentry);       //read all branches                                                       
//by  b_branchname->GetEntry(ientry); //read only this branch                                                   
   if (fChain == 0) return;

   Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();

   Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;

   TH1F *Mix=new TH1F("Mix","Mix",3000,0.5,3000.5);
   TH1I *Co60=new TH1I("Co60","Co60",3000,0.5,3000.5);
   TH1I *RCo60=new TH1I("RCo60","RCo60",3000,0.5,3000.5);
   TH1F *Se=new TH1F("Se","Se",3000,0.5,3000.5);

   TH1F *Se103=new TH1F("Se103","Se103",3600,0,60); // Se-81 emmitts 103 keV photon and half life is 57.28 min  

   TRandom3 R;
   Float_t Energy;
   Int_t IEnergy;

   for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) {
      Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry);
      if (ientry < 0) break;
      nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry);   nbytes += nb;
      // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue;                                                                         

      //      Convert Channels to keV                                                                           
      //      Energy= (Int_t) (1.02127*evt_Chan-13.2088);                                                       
      Energy= 1.02127*(evt_Chan)+(R.Rndm()-1)-13.2088;  // The ADC may have a broken but so inject a half ADC c\
hannel of noise into the system I never say channel 247 plus others                                             
      IEnergy= (Int_t) Energy;

      //      if(Energy > 234 && Energy < 238)                                                                  
      //        cout << "evt_Chan=" << evt_Chan<<  "     Energy=" << Energy << "    IEnergy = " << IEnergy << e\
      // Mixture Events                                                                                         

      if ((evt_Sec>0 && evt_Sec <300) || ( evt_Sec > 730  && evt_Sec<1020 )|| ( evt_Sec > 1480  && evt_Sec<1775\
 )|| ( evt_Sec > 2250  && evt_Sec<2550 )|| ( evt_Sec > 3050  && evt_Sec<3300 )|| ( evt_Sec > 3775  && evt_Sec<4\
050 )|| ( evt_Sec > 4480  && evt_Sec<4770))
          Mix->Fill(Energy,0.0005); // measure Mix sample for 2000 seconds                                      


      //Co-60 Events lines at 1173 and 1332 keV                                                                 
      if( (evt_Sec > 300 && evt_Sec <360 ) || ( evt_Sec> 680 && evt_Sec <710 )
          || ( evt_Sec> 1030 && evt_Sec <1080 ) || ( evt_Sec> 1400 && evt_Sec <1440 )
          || ( evt_Sec> 1800 && evt_Sec <1840 ) || ( evt_Sec> 2190 && evt_Sec <2220 )
          || ( evt_Sec> 2590 && evt_Sec <2620 ) || ( evt_Sec> 2950 && evt_Sec <3000 )
          || ( evt_Sec> 3390 && evt_Sec <3350 ) || ( evt_Sec> 3700 && evt_Sec <3750 )
          || ( evt_Sec> 4060 && evt_Sec <4100 ) || ( evt_Sec> 4420 && evt_Sec <4470 )
          || ( evt_Sec> 4790 && evt_Sec <4820 ))
          //      Co60->Fill(IEnergy); // measure Mix sample for 2000 seconds                                   
          Co60->Fill(evt_Chan); // measure Mix sample for 2000 seconds                                          
          RCo60->Fill(Energy); // measure Mix sample for 2000 seconds                                           

      // Pure Se events  measured for 1915 seconds                                                              

      if( ( evt_Sec> 400 && evt_Sec <640 ) || ( evt_Sec > 1100 && evt_Sec <1360 )
          || ( evt_Sec > 1875 && evt_Sec <2150 ) || ( evt_Sec > 2650 && evt_Sec <2930 )
          || ( evt_Sec > 3400 && evt_Sec <3690 ) || ( evt_Sec > 4120 && evt_Sec <4400 )
          || ( evt_Sec > 4840 && evt_Sec <5130))
          if(Energy>101 && Energy < 104)   // half life = ln(2)/slope of exponential fit                        
            Se103->Fill(evt_Sec/60);  // half life = ln(2)/[0.01172 +/- 0.00013 ] = 59.14 +/- 0.67              
          // expected half life = 57.28 min                                                                     
   cout<< "Available Histograms"
       << "   Se->Draw();"  << endl
       << "   Se103->Draw();" << endl
       << "   Co60->Draw();" << endl
       << "   RCo60->Draw();" << endl
       << "   Mix->Draw();" << endl
       << endl;
