IAC LeadTunstateCherenkovCrystalTests 2-15
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Beam profile measurements using glass plates separated by 40.4 cm
- After calibrating .
Root script
The Image2Hist.C program from the ROOT tutorials
//Create a 2-D histogram from an image. //Author: Olivier Couet void image2hist() { // TASImage image("rose512.jpg"); TASImage image("test.png"); UInt_t yPixels = image.GetHeight(); UInt_t xPixels = image.GetWidth(); UInt_t *argb = image.GetArgbArray(); TH2D* BeamShape = new TH2D("BeamShape","BeamShape",xPixels,-1,1,yPixels,-1,1); for (int row=0; row<xPixels; ++row) { for (int col=0; col<yPixels; ++col) { int index = col*xPixels+row; float grey = float(argb[index]&0xff)/256; BeamShape->SetBinContent(row+1,yPixels-col,grey); } } gStyle->SetPalette(53); BeamShape->Draw("colz"); }