PAA Proposals

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Due Date April 28

Proposals to this program will be taken by a two-step process, in which the Notice of Intent is replaced by a required Step-1 proposal submitted by an Authorized Organizational Representative. Only proposers who submit a Step-1 proposal are eligible to submit a Step-2 (full) proposal. See Section 6 for details. Step-1 proposals are due April 28, 2014, and Step-2 proposals are due June 27, 2014.

Step 1 proposal

The Scientific/Technical/Management section of the Step-1 proposal is restricted to one page in length and should include a description of the science goals and objectives to be addressed by the proposal, a brief description of the methodology to be used to address the science goals and objectives, and the relevance of the proposed research to this call. The relevance section will be used to confirm that the proposal is submitted to the correct program element. No evaluation of intrinsic merit will be performed on Step-1 proposals. The NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) system for proposal submission requires that Step-1 proposals include a summary describing the proposed work; the Scientific/Technical/Management section must be uploaded as the PDF "Proposal Attachment." Proposers will be notified when they are to submit their Step-2 proposals. If NASA determines that the proposed investigation should instead be submitted to another program, proposers will receive instructions on how to properly submit their Step-2 proposal.

Scope of Program

The goal of the Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples (LARS) Program is to maximize the scientific return from the samples provided by missions such as Genesis, Stardust, and Hayabusa (see further below) through development of laboratory instrumentation and advanced analytical techniques required for the complete analyses of the samples they return. In addition, this program supports analytical work on samples returned by recent Planetary Science Division missions, including Genesis and Stardust, as well as samples returned by Hayabusa. Proposals solicited under this program include those that seek to develop new analytical instrumentation or combinations of analytical instruments, or new components of analytical instruments, leading to significant improvements in the precision, resolution, or sensitivity of measurements compared to the existing state of the art. Also of interest are proposals for the development of new analytical techniques for existing instrumentation that will push the limits of current technology, for example, by the elimination of analytical interferences or contamination problems. In all cases, both the development efforts and the clear relevance to NASA sample- return missions must be clearly documented in the proposals. Proposals may seek to develop analytical capabilities for future sample-return missions. However, work that addresses the needs of current or selected missions have the highest priority. Some proposals may seek to develop instrumentation and techniques that will be used by only a small number of investigators at a single institution. However, in other instances, the high cost of the instrument and its associated support structure may allow the development of only a limited number of such facilities that must be shared by the entire research community. For these larger and more expensive facilities, proposers should include detailed plans for facility management based on the size of the anticipated user base, including facility oversight, the fraction of time that will be made available to outside users, and the mechanism for allotting such time on a regular basis. In all cases, cost-sharing arrangements in the development of new instrumentation or techniques and evidence of a long-term institutional commitment to the analysis of returned samples will be viewed favorably in the selection process. Collaborations between instrument C.18-1 builders and scientists who understand the samples to be analyzed are encouraged. Ongoing laboratory support (e.g., service contracts) will generally not be supported. This program supports analysis of extraterrestrial samples from sample return missions, with the exception of lunar samples, whose analysis is supported by LDAP (C.8) and Solar System Workings (C.3). Also excluded from LARS, but included in the C.2 Emerging Worlds (C.2) program, are analyses of meteorites or cosmic dust, unless these analyses are directly in support of the interpretation of mission data. Returned samples from NASA Planetary Science missions, plus a subset of samples returned by Hayabusa, are allocated by the Astromaterials Curator at NASA Johnson Space Center after approval by CAPTEM and NASA Headquarters. If your proposal requires the use of any returned material, such as that from Genesis or Stardust, please review the information at and make a request to the Astromaterials Curator, as described.
