CLAS12R1 CosmicTestStand
Two scintillators are placed on top and below the drift chamber
These scintillators have PMTs on both ends allow an initial position to be determined according to the time difference between the PMT hits.
Below is the calibration for Detector M and Detector G
HV(M1) = -1602 Volts
HV(M2) = -1750 Volts
HV(G1)= -1700 Volts
HV(G2)= -1650 Volts
M1 = TDC80
M2 = TDC81
G1 = TDC84
G2 = TDC86
Trig = TDC 95
M1 = TDC112 M2 = TDC113 G1 = TDC116 G2 = TDC118 Trig = TDC 127
Trigger Matching is ON
resolution = 100 ps