201212 R1ProgressRep
Sector 1 - Summary of Results:
- ADB continues to have problems with noise, and today we were unable to get it to reliably show a cosmic pulse. Switched to just using the post-amp for now. Removed the grounding strap from the S1 Chamber. No noticeable difference in noise levels.
- During cosmic pulse counting, Mac determined the new nominal voltage for sense wires should be 1400V to avoid a saturation condition that results in a large characteristic pulse consistently showing up.
- Mac also suggested we start keeping a log of current levels whenever running HV testing, and ensure the over-current trip settings are correct on the HV power supply (0.1 sec, 1μA)
- J-lab should be sending us some new equipment to serve the role of the ADB crate - either a new ADB or some DCRB's.
Sector 5 - strung 51 Sense wires (now on SL1 - row 200).
Sector 6 - tested SL2 through row 154. The decision was made with Mac, George, Dr. Forest and Dr. McNulty that post-potting testing will not continue after today. The post-potting Tension Trend data will be compared with pre-potting Tension Trend data to check for any unexpected results.