Warren Parsons MS Thesis
VFAT readout card
V1495 User Firmware
- GEMReadout.vhd
- The main function routines?
- GEMReadout_tb.vhd
- GEMRxChannel.vhd
- GEMRxEventDataFIFO.vhd
- a routine controlling the FIFO
- GEMRxEventSizeFIFO.vhd
- Defines the Event size and structure
- GEMTxChannel.vhd
- PLLVBlock.vhd
- spare_if_rtl.vhd
- tristate_if_trl.vhd
- v1495usr.vhd
- v1495usr_pkg.vhd
- v1495usr_hal.vqm
- From the v1495 manual this is the v1495 Hardware Abstraction Layer. It is an HDL module provided in Verilog format at the netlist level in order to help interface the hardware.
- Reading through this file makes it clear that we are using the Cyclone chip family. I can't find where the "cyclone_lcell" module is defined. I am wondering if it is defined inside of the Quartus II program in a library somewhere. Figuring this out would probably help unravel how our HDL code is actually instantiated in hardware.
General introduction to the readout scheme
Readout Blockdiagram
Changing MCLK frequency
Output MCLK and Level 1 Trigger
VFAT input port
V1495 Data format
CODA Readout
The V1495 module transfers data 16 bits at a time to the ROC. An array within the ROC memory will be filled with the V1495 data stream 16 bits at a time to optimize data throughout. The array within the ROC memory will then be transferred to the host computer and stored.
ROC library
Readout list
CODA Data Format
Calibration Pulse Experiment and Results
The following are the parameters that were used for the Calibration Pulse experiment.
MCLK = 40Mhz
This was chosen because it is at which the original Calibration pulse experiments were run. Also, in the experiment the CalPulse signal supposedly has a peaking time of 22ns. Thus, if we want to have any hope of catching that pulse, we will most likely need to run at at least 40 Mhz. This, of course, also depends on the peak amplitude of the pulse as well as how long its tail is.