Positron_Workshop_2009 : March 25-27, 2009
By September 2009:
Wed 3/25/09
2 exchange
looking for positron currents of 1
A in Hall C or 100 nA in Hall B.
P. Schuller (DESY) has the iron block used in E-166 at SLAC for the compton transmission polarimeter. The incident photon Energy went up to 8 MeV.
We could measure positron polarization by measuring the polarization of photons from the positron annihilation. Compton scattering depends on the polarization of the struck atomic electrons. An external B-field will polarize the FE block. You can either flip the direction of the B-file or the direction of the incident photon polarization to measure the photon polarization.
The IAC could make a compton transmission polarimeter to use on the photo-fission experiment as well as a proto-type for JLab.
Thermal positrons
How big is the user thermal positron user community?