IAC LeadFlourideCherenkovCrystalTests
Radiation exposure tests in December for Hall A.
We will have three days of beamtime (Dec 3-5). We will use the the 25-MeV linac to direct an electron beam upon the PbF2 crystals. The lead Flouride Crystals will be placed on a translator table so that each crystal can moved into the beam. The crystals are 30x30x185 mm^3 and are 1290g each.
We need to keep the Power below one 1 Watt onto the PbF2 crystal or 0.78 Gy/block. We can achieve this by setting the beam parameters of the 25-MeV LINAC (cf. http://www.iac.isu.edu/facilities/25MeV_hall.html).
Here we have: P = E * I [P] Watts, [E] MeV, and [I] uA
beam energy 20 MeV Rep Rate: 10 Hz I_peak: 50 mA/pulse pulse width: 0.1 us (100 ns)
Time on for one second is 1 us. and Time off is 0.999999 s The average current 0.999999 * 0 + 0.000001*50mA = 0.05 uA.
P = (20 MeV) * (0.05 uA) = 1 Watt.
With the proviso, that we need to keep the I_peak (Instantaneous Current in the pulse) well above 5 mA so the it can be tracked by the pick-up coil. 50 mA/pulse will do the job.
Crew: Pierre Bertin, Tony Forest, Adrianne Spilker, Amine Mestari, Syed Naeem, and Phil Cole
Status of Setup.
Translator Table (3 degrees of freedom). Setup Done. Amine and Adrianne DAQ/Readout Faraday Cups Setup DAQ/Readout Pickup Coil Setup DAQ/Readout Lead Shielding
Day 0 will be for final setup. Pierre, Tony, and Adrianne.
Day 4 and Day 5 will be used to more curing and transparency measurements.
The specifics are listed below
NIM articles:
File:Achenbach NIM A416 1998 pg357.pdf
Private Communications
File:FEL IrradiationTests 8-25-07.pdf
File:TransmissionTestProcedure J.Roche 10-15-07.pdf