CLAS apparatus
The target materials used in the EG1b experiments were
The target material was prepared in the following way. The ammonia gas was frozen at 77 K and then crushed into little
pieces, about 1-3 mm in diameter, because it heps to have them efficiently cooled by the liquid helium during the experiment and prevent from potential damage by the beam heating.
Tracking System
Cherenkov detector
The six superconducting coils placed by angles of 60 degrees in the azimuthal angle
In the extreme regions of the angular acceptance of the spectrometer the number of detected photoelectrons is too low. To get acceptable efficiency of the detector in these regions were placed photomultiplier tubes.(?????? stringent requirements, within budgetary constraints ????????????, were placed on the photomultiplier performance).The produced Cherenkov light is in the ultraviolet region, because of that the photoelectron conversion efficiency should be high at short wavelengths.
The photomultiplier tubes were surrounded with high permeability magnetic fields,because they were located in the fringe field region of the spectrometer(??????).