2020 NSF Proposal
Due Date Dec 3.
Call for proposals
Project Summary
We propose to continue series of measurements to study hadronic matter on a fundamental level at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and an outreach program targeting one of the most underrepresented groups in Nuclear physics. This proposal addresses the need to conduct new experiments motivated by the communities long range plans as well as the need to analyze and publish previous NSF sponsored measurements. Each of the senior level participants has a history of intense involvement in the Jefferson Lab physics program and are co-spokespersons on experiments that will begin collecting data during the funding period. As a result, the continued support will capitalize on the investments that have been made to upgrade JLab to a maximum beam energy of 12 GeV.
Intellectual Merit
The intermediate energy nuclear physics group at Idaho State University (ISU) has an established fundamental physics program, based at Jefferson Lab, to enhance our understanding of nucleons and nuclei. The CoPIs in this proposal are all co-spokespersons on experiments to perform measurements on the underlying symmetry and structure of the quark and gluon components of the nucleon and the characteristics of the skin or surface of a nucleus. Dr~Dustin McNulty is continuing his work using parity violation to precisely measure the neutron skin of lead and calcium, E12-12-004 and perform a new measurement of parity violating Moller scattering, INSERT EXPERIMENT ID. Dr.~Tony Forest is continuing a measurement of the down quark fractional polarization in the nucleon to test predictions of pQCD via JLab experiment E12-06-109. The above investigations continue to be key components of the National Science Advisory Council's long range plan of unfolding the quark structure of hadrons and testing the Standard Model.