MCNP Sim of Jack Converter
Simulation inputs
Green: Stainless steel
Pink: Titanium
Blue: H2O
Yellow: Tungsten
The beam spot size was given a diameter of 0.5 cm based off of a burn mark on a converter that got hot during irradiation. Electrons are 42 MeV and mono energetic.
Energy spectrum of neutrons
The plot below shows the energy distribution of neutrons exiting the converter for three different ranges of neutron angle w.r.t. the incident beam. The neutron energy spectrum of the neutron induced fission of U235 is shown for comparison.
Some of the differences between the resulting neutron energy spectrum and that of U235 may be due to the moderation of the neutrons by H2O. The plot below takes each neutron's energy at the moment of emission.
Below is a plot of the rate of neutron production as the beam traverses through the converter. Zero corresponds to where the beam enters the titanium window.