LB Thesis SNR

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Background Analysis

In order to find the SNR at [math] t_{Beam Off} [/math], the background was analyzed to check if it remained constant from [math] t_{Beam Off} [/math] until [math] t_{Measure} [/math]. First, the background was plotted for each concentration of Se/Soil and was overlaid with the the background in the pure sample for each respective target.

LB 170047 Background Overlay xmgrace.png LB 170048 Background Overlay xmgrace.png LB 170049 Background Overlay xmgrace.png

The clearest exponential behavior is seen in the 1% sample. The background rate dropped by 62% between the first and second measurements ([math] \delta t [/math] = 7.5 minutes). This indicated that considering the background to be constant from [math] t_{Beam Off} [/math] until [math] t_{Measure} [/math], which was an average of