Calibration Info

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To fully understand the characteristics of the Nanodot OSLs, a custom calibration was needed. This calibration is used in lieu of the calibration created by the OSL reader using the pre-dosed OSLs from the manufacturer. To begin the calibration, a set of fifteen unexposed Nanodot OSLs, chosen at random, were selected and exposed to a 9.3Ci 137Cs source. Using a distance of 30cm from the faceplate of the source, the exposure rate was calculated in Roentgen using

[math]\dot R = \frac {\Gamma A }{ D^2} [/math] where [math]\boldsymbol{\Gamma} = 3.3 \frac {(cm^2)(R)}{(mCi)(hr)} = .33 \frac {(m^2)(R)}{(Ci)(hr)} [/math] , [math]\mathbf{A} = 9.3 Ci [/math] , [math]\mathbf{D}=(\text{Distance to faceplate} + 11.2cm) [/math]

There is an adjustment distance of 11.2cm which accounts for the distance from the faceplate to the [math] ^{137}Cs[/math] source

Total exposures are calculated by [math]\int\limits_{t_0}^{t_f}\dot R\ dt [/math]

Click here for calibration data
