Progressive Development of Simulations
2.8 MeV electron hitting a 20 thousandths of an inch thick piece of Tantalum and then plotting the photon energies
Brem = Bremsstrahlung
Ion = Electron Ionization
MS = Electron Multiple Scattering
When simulating Ionization and Multiple Scattering in Tantalum, no photons were created.
2.8 MeV electron hitting a 1/2 inch thick piece of Aluminum and then plotting the photon energies
Brem = Bremsstrahlung
Ion = Electron Ionization
MS = Electron Multiple Scattering
When simulating Ionization and Multiple Scattering in Aluminum, no photons were created.
2.8 MeV electron hitting air and then plotting the photon energies
Brem = Bremsstrahlung
Ion = Electron Ionization
MS = Electron Multiple Scattering
When simulating Ionization and Multiple Scattering in air, no photons were created.
2.8 MeV electron hitting air and then plotting the photon energies
PhEE = Photoelectric Effect
CS = Compton Scattering
GC = Gamma Conversion
At the time of these simulations, physics with muons, positrons, and generic ions is turned off. There is also a discrepancy between simulations that do not have these particle processes active.