5252017 Anal

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10% Se mixed with Sage leaf ash

Lines for investigation

Found lines from Sage at energies of 147,250,389,1267,1369,1517,2169 and 2755 keV, All seem to have half lines longer than 1 hr.

10perc 5252017 0-500keV.png10perc 5252017 1200-3000keV.png

Time cuts for analysis

0-300  (Sage + Se 10% Se by weight)                                                                    
300-360 (Co-60)                                                                                        
400-640    ( Pure Se)                                                                                  
680-710    (Co-60)                                                                                     
730-1020   (Mixture)                                                                                   
1030-1080  (Co-60)                                                                                     
1100-1360  ( Pure Se)                                                                                  
1400-1440  (Co-60)                                                                                     
1480-1775  (Mixture)                                                                                   
1800-1840  (Co-60)                                                                                     
1875-2150  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
2190-2220  (Co-60)                                                                                     
2250-2550  (Mixture)                                                                                   
2590-2620  (Co-60)                                                                                     
2650-2930  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
2950-3000  (Co-60)                                                                                     
3050-3300  (Mixture)                                                                                   
3390-3350  (Co-60)                                                                                     
3400-3690  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
3700-3750  (Co-60)                                                                                     
3775-4050  (Mixture)                                                                                   
4060-4100  (Co-60)                                                                                     
4120-4400  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
4420-4470  (Co-60)                                                                                     
4480-4770  (Mixture)                                                                                   
4790-4820  (Co-60)                                                                                     
4840-5130  (Pure Se)                                                                                   
