LB April DetB DetA Calibration
Detector A
Using the program /data/IAC/Se/April_Calib_Efficiency/TempVoltageFit.C on the data file DetA_Calib.dat with the command
.L TempVoltageFit.C TempVoltageFit(0,2);
The plot given is shown below
The program returns A = -12.7141 +/- 0.0519279 and B = 1.0207 +/- 0.000756
So the draw command is Test -> Draw(-12.7141+1.0207*evt_Chan);
Detector B
Using the file /data/IAC/Se/April_Calib_Efficiency/DetB_Calib_4_18_17.dat and the root command line
.L TempVoltageFit.C TempVoltageFit(0,2);
The following plot was created
Giving values A = 0.491937 +\- 0.392529 and B = 0.808439 +\- 0.000483705