Niowave Report 11-30-2015
10 MeV electron beam
3.48 cm diameter beam pipe
Target optimization
Optimal Thickness
2mm thick PbBi, 10 MeV, 1 cm cylindrical incident electron distribution
G4beamline pencil beam 10 cm radius
beam ellipse particle=e- nEvents=1000000 beamZ=0.0 beamX=0. beamY=0. \ sigmaX=10.0 sigmaY=10.0 sigmaXp=0.000 sigmaYp=0.000 \ meanMomentum=10. sigmaE=0. maxR=10.
Incident Electron spatial distribution and energy
Positron and Electron Momentum after the converter
Optimal Solenoidal Field
Beam Pipe heating
The energy deposited by electrons scattered into a 3.48 diameter stainless steel beam pipe (1.65 mm thick) from a PbBi target as a function of a uniform Solenoidal magnetic field.
The histogram is binned in 100 (10 cm) bin widths. The surface area becomes
To convert From Mev/ e- to kW/cm^2 assuming a current of 1mA (10^-3 C/s) you
Solenoid Description
A 10 MeV electron beam with a radius of 0.5 cm was incident on a 2 mm thick PbBi target. The target is positioned at Z = -901 mm.