201401 R1ProgressRep
Lifted 3 chambers out of the basement and put them on the ISU, temp controlled, loading dock.
Loaded truck for shipment to JLab.
3 chambers arrived at JLab and were unloaded. No obvious damage was reported.
- Lessons for the next shipment
- trim crate at least 1/2" so there is more space between the trailer wall and the crate. The 91" inch pallets were fine, need to cut a little straighter as a matter of pride and to make it easier to push onto the trailer.
- be sure to cut out a section of the 3x3s so there is room for a pallet jack.
- be sure white pallet drift chamber wheel blocks are at the proper locations so the chambers are aligned with the pallet. Distance between blocks is less important since U-bolts holding the front wheel can be moved back, but not forward. Error may only be accommodated if the space between the front block and rear is shorter than needed.
- Be sure to lift pallets with crane when pallets can't fit through the elevator
- Continue to stage drift chamber on the loading dock, the other pallets can be placed outside, may need to secure a location for the other pallets that contain the A-frames, magnets, and other stuff, the non-drift chamber items can be shipped in a separate shipment.
Sector 2 tasks
Stringing left - SL1 - 15 wires (6 field, 9 sense) Wires to tighten/tap - 12 wires (12 field, 0 sense) Potting Mylar windows + protective plates over pins Move onto upper level of lab
Schedule: Jan 18: Stringing, tightening/tapping can be done
Feb 1: finish potting . (one super-layer side a day)
Feb 7-8: mylar windows.
Feb 10: move S2 to upper level and begin HV burn in
Mar 24: HV burnin on S2 completed and crane remaining chambers out of Physics, store on ISU loading Dock
Mar 25: Load chambers and any other items that will fit onto true (there is room for 2 full pallets (Truck can hold three drift chambers pallets and one regular size pallet)
Parallel tasks (Derek)
clean-up machine shop
build other two palettes
sort into sets & make plywood replacement pieces for packaging S2 / S1
Work days (Fri-Sat):
Work days (Fri-Sat): Jan 17-18 Jan 24-25 Jan 31 - Feb 1 Feb 7-8 Feb 14-15 Feb 21-22 Feb 28 - Mar. 1
Spring Break Mar. 21 (friday before that week) - Mar. 30 (sunday at the end)
Finished checking all wires in S2, ready to pot
Removing Magnet system today
Potting of S2 wire feed-throughs on top-side complete. Ran out of white press-in plugs for plugging pre-tensioner holes. Will have to rotate back after potting bottom side to put in press-in plugs and plastic stand-offs. Rotating to bottom-side today.