HRRL Pos Test 26Jul2012 Data Ana Sub Spcs

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Revision as of 22:26, 5 August 2012 by Setisadi (talk | contribs)
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Cut was done that impose events to be in the 511 keV region on both NaI detectors:

if(run_in==3686) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/1260"); else if(run_in==3688) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/2460"); else if(run_in==3690) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/4228");

         if(run_out==3687) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_out_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/1411");
    else if(run_out==3689) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_out_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/2706");
    else if(run_out==3691) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_out_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/1383");
    else if(run_out==3692) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_out_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/1238");

Looks like the time normalization was not working.

runs NaI right NaI left
r3686-r3687 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png
r3688-r3687 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png
r3690-r3687 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png

runs NaI right NaI left
r3686-r3689 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png
r3688-r3689 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png
r3690-r3689 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png

runs NaI right NaI left
r3686-r3691 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png
r3688-r3691 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png
r3690-r3691 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png

runs NaI right NaI left
r3686-r3692 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png
r3688-r3692 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png
r3690-r3692 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png