Download EVIO
On 4/12/12 EVIO was being distributed using SVN and only on a jlabX machine onsite
If you login to a jlab machine you can see the contents of the repository using the command
svn ls svn://phecda.jlab.org/daqfs/source/svnroot/
Check Out
svn co svn://phecda.jlab.org/daqfs/source/svnroot/evio-4.0
Compile evio library
1.) set the environmental variable to tell the software where CODA is
setenv CODA_HOME /usr/local/coda/2.5
2.) While in the directory evio-2.0 run scons to compile everything
3.) If you type
scons install
the programs will be moved to the CODA_HOME subdirectory under Linux-