Initial Fits
These fits are listed dose (from Landauer) vs measured dose (from OSL reader).
This fit was calculated using only the OSLs provided by Landauer for calibrating the OSL reader.
[math] {\chi}^2 = 359.191[/math] [math] \text{# of Degrees of Freedom} = 13[/math] This fit was calculated using the OSLs provided by Landauer and 6 Nanodot OSLs dosed by using the 137Cs source.
[math] {\chi}^2 = 686.664[/math] [math] \text{# of Degrees of Freedom} = 19[/math]
Calculated Dose vs PMT Counts
These fits were created using OSLs I irradiated using the 20Ci [math] ^{137}Cs [/math] Source. I calculated the dose the OSLs should have on them using the dose calculations on the previous page. The PMT counts came straight from the OSL reader.
[math] {\chi}^2 = 0.31801[/math],
[math] \text{# of Degrees of Freedom} = 2[/math]