Sample Description
The sample was placed in an aluminum cylinder that was to be irradiated. The target components consisted of a nickel foil on the front of the cylinder with 2 pure selenium pellets under the foil, but still outside the cylinder. Inside the target there was burnt sagebrush ash, which was burned with a blowtorch, and selenium. Below are the masses of the components
Nickel Foil: 0.2783g
Outer Se Pellets: 0.0971g
Sage Ash: 0.5111g
Inner Se Pellets: 0.0523g
The Calibration for Detector A was done on the morning of 5/23/17 with the MPA software using the thorium rods (as the calibration was fairly close already) and the correction values were found to be Det A Intercept = -12.208800 slope =1.021270
Using the program /data/IAC/Se/May2017/5_25_2017/MPA.C, which is based off of Dr. Forest's analysis program, I was able to make a plot for the half life of the pure selenium sample, which is shown below.
The decay constant from the fit gives a half life of 59.14 +/- 0.6560 Minutes
Nickel Information
Using to constant value from above and the standard equation for radioactive decay, the initial activity of the Se sample, Assuming a 20 minute delay between beam off and taking data is 0.1838 +\-
Table with dates and filename and locations on daq1