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I submit for your consideration my application for tenure at the rank of Associate Research Professor in the Physics program of the College of Arts and Sciences at Idaho State University.

I joined the Physics program at ISU as an Research Associate Professor of Physics on August 14, 2006. The university's expectations for my position were clearly described in my offer letter which I have included in this application. As described in my offer letter, a research professor is expected to spend 60% of their time on research, 20% on teaching, and 20% on service. The research expectation was that I attract approximately $150,000 in external funds in the first 5 years and publish 2 peer reviewed works per year. I was also expected to teach one, three credit graduate level class per semester, advise graduate students and develop curricula to enhance ISU's offerings in nuclear science. My accomplishments in each of these endeavors is summarized below and the specific details are organized in separate sections.

My research activities at ISU have resulted a series of external grant totaling $1.4 Million, the creation of a Laboratory for Detector Science, and research program in nuclear physics based at Jefferson Lab and the Idaho Accelerator Center.

My teaching activities at ISU have focused on graduate student instruction and advising as well as developing three new classes for the graduate curricula.

My service acitivities at ISU have been in the form of a GFR, a member of the Engineering Graduate ???, and a Faculty Senator.



Classroom Instruction

Classes Taught

Year Semester Course # Course Description
2006 Fall PHYS 499/599 SIM. OF PART. INTER. W/MATTE
2009 Fall PHYS 499/599 SIM. OF PART. INTER. W/MATTE

Graduate students

Name Degree Thesis Title
Tamar Didberidze Ph.D Physics A Test of Independent Fragmentation
Sadiq Ph.D Physics Positron source for JLab
Abdel Haitham Ph.D Physics A Thick GEM neutron detector
Warren Parsons M.S. Physics A Gaseous Detector Readout System for Qweak
Randy Spaulding M.S. Physics Design Fundamentals for Cost-Optimized Neutron Detectors Based on an Array of Helium-3 Tubes

Curriculum Development

Simulations , Adv. Nuclear, Nucl Physics for Homeland Security, and Analysis for the Physical Sciences.

Teaching Methods

Patterned after the peer instruction method, I have adopted a method of instruction which integrates a lbaoratory environment directly into the lecture. The simulation class is configured to be a once a week 3 hour block of time in which the first 1-1.5 hours is spent in a traditional lecture style mode which describes concepts. The next half of the class is spent by the student applying those concepts in a laboratory environment under the supervision of the instructor. The laboratory environment will task the student to implement the concepts from the lecture into a working simulation and evaluate the veracity of the simulation in reproducing the physical concept.

The second class on Error analysis was configured to be similar to the SImulation class. The error analysis class was held twice a week with at least 1 hour devoted to conceptual description and the remainder devoted to practicing the concepts on the computer. The lab portion of the class however was a shorter and more focused to be completed in a 15-20 minute time period.

wiki, computer lab integration

Course Evaluations


Ugrad interships

Course Design

Simulations course

Error analysis course


Student Evaluations


Research Summary

A majority of my research has involved asymmetry measurements using polarized electrons. My Ph. D. thesis reported a measurement of the neutral weak magnetic form factor of the proton using parity violation at MIT bates <ref name="SAMPLE"> Template:Cite Measurement of the Proton's Neutral Weak Magnetic Form Factor, B. Mueller et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, (1997), 3824</ref>. My post graduate work focused on asymmetry measurements using polarized electrons and polarized nucleons to extract polarized structure functions at Jefferson Lab. As a faculty member at ISU, I continued polarized structure function measurements and I have branched out to include physics applications research at the Idaho Accelerator Center. The highlights of this work are described below.

Even though measurements of polarized structure functions have been taking place for more than three decades, with substantial improvements in target polarization and kinematic coverage, fundamental questions remain unanswered yet within reach. Earlier experiments demonstrated that the quarks in a nucleon are not the main contributers to the spin of a nucleon. Contributions from gluons and the angular momentum of a nucleon's constituents have become the focus of investigation for more than a decade. The polarized structure function measurements I participated in have helped to further constrain the uncertainty in measurements of the gluon contribution. I plan to continue these measurements (E12-06-109) with the upgraded facility at Jefferson Lab as it has become clear that the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the analysis used to extract the gluon contributions will benefit from a data set taken with an apparatus that has a large kinematic coverage.

My main contribution to polarized structure function research thus far has been testing the concept of quark-hadron duality, in addition my work supporting my fellow collaborators. Quark-hardron duality postulates that the resonance region in inelastic electron scattering can have observables that, on average, are quantitatively similar to those produced in the non resonant scattering region. The polarized structure function , g_1, was such an observable that I measured in the resonant and non-resonant region to test the concept of quark-hadron duality. My published results on the test showed that g_1, when averaged in the resonance region, was consistent with the same average using deep inelastic structure function data when the four momentum transfer squared (Q^2) was larger than 1.7 GeV^2/c^2. It also appears that the onset of quark-hadron duality for polarized structure functions occurs at a higher Q^2 than if an analagous comparison were made using unpolarized structure functions.


One of the main reasons I came to ISU was the availability of a local electron accellerator facility at the Idaho Accelerator Center. At first, I used the IAC to test detectors and measure radiation damage of detector materials. I then found an opportunity to develop a positron source at the IAC that had the potential to advance a program of charge symmetry based experiments at Jefferson Lab. Experiments using both positrons and electrons have the potential to remove model dependencies. For example, a measurement of polarized electron and proton scattering from a polarized nucleon target has the potential to be a model independent measurement of a nucleon's electromagnetic form factors. Such a measurement has the potential to reconcile the current discrepancy between cross-section based and polarization transfer based measurements of these form factors.

I received an award to measure the efficiency of producing positrons in a Tungsten target from the bremmstrahlung photons produced by a 10 MeV incident electron beam. An achromatic beam line was designed, constructed, and instrumented to collect positrons emmitted by the downstream side of the tungsten target using a quard triplet. t least one positron was produced for every million electrons impinging the target. The work is documented in a Ph.D. thesis at ISU. The work also led to performing a similar measurement as part of the Polarized Electron Polarized Position (PEPPo) collaboration using the JLab injector during the accelerator upgrade. The PEPPo experiment's main goal was to determine the polarization transferred to the positron from the polarized electron. The results are in final preparation for release.

My current efforts are focused on using JLab's upgraded Hall B to measure the fractional down quark polarization in the nucleon. I will use the CLAS12 detector in Jefferson Lab's Hall B to measure the cross-section helicity differences for positive and negative pion production from a polarized proton and deuteron. This combination of measurements will allow an extraction of the down quark polarization as a function of how large a fraction of the nucleon's momentum was carried by the struck quark. Perturbative quantum chromodynamics predicts that the down quarks will carry all of the nucleon's polarization if they carry all of its momentum. A modern quark model, with hyperfine interactions, predicts that the down quark's polarization contribution will oppose the nucleon's net polarization. The planned measurements should discriminate between these contradictory predictions with a statistical precision of two standard deviations.



Refereed Journals

  1. A Precise Measurement of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor G**n(M)in the Few-GeV**2 Region, J. Lachniet et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 ,(2009), 192001.
  2. First measurement of direct f0(980) photoproduction on the proton M. Battaglieri et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102 , (2009), 102001.
  3. Electroproduction of p pi+ pi- off protons at 0.2 < Q**2 < 0.6-GeV**2 and 1.3 < W < 1.57-GeV with CLAS. G.V. Fedotov, et al., Phys. Rev. C79, (2009), 015204.
  4. Exclusive rho0 electroproduction on the proton at CLAS S.A. Morrow et al., Eur. Phys. J., A39 ,(2009), 5.
  5. Search for the photo-excitation of exotic mesons in the pi+ pi+ pi- system M. Nozar et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, (2009), 102002.
  6. Moments of the Spin Structure Functions g**p(1) and g**d(1) for 0.05 < Q**2 < 3.0-GeV**2., Y. Prok et al., Phys.Lett, B672 ,(2009) ,12.
  7. First measurement of target and double spin asymmetries for polarized-e polarized-p ---> e p pi0 in the nucleon resonance region above the Delta(1232) A.S. Biselli et al., Phys. Rev. , C78, (2008), 045204.
  8. Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Beam-Spin Asymmetries., F.X. Girod et al. (The CLAS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett., 100 , (2009), 162002.
  9. Beam spin asymmetry in deep and exclusive p0 electroproduction., R. De Masi et al. (The CLAS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C 77, (2008), 042201.
  10. A Bayesian analysis of pentaquark signals from CLAS data., D. G. Ireland et al. (The CLAS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 052001 (2008).
  11. Cross Sections for gamma p to K0*+ Sigma at Egamma=1.7-3.0 GeV , I. Hleiqawi, et. al., Phys. Rev. C 75,(2007), 042201.
  12. Separated Structure Functions for the Exclusive electroproduction of K+ Lambda and K+ Sigma Final States , P. Ambrozewicz, et. al., Phys. Rev. C 75,(2007), 045203.
  13. First measurement of Beam Recoil Observables C(x) and C(z) in hyperon Photoproduction , R. Bradford, et. al., Phys. Rev. C 75, (2007), 035205.
  14. Quark-Hadron Duality in Spin Structure Functions g1p and g1d , P. Bosted, et. al., Phys. Rev. C 75, (2007), 035203.
  15. Measurement of the x and Q^2 Dependence of the Spin Asymmetry A1 on the Nucleon , K.V. Dharmawardane, et. al., Phys. Lett. B 641, (2006),11.

Books and Proceeding

  1. "International Workshop on Positrons at Jefferson Lab", T.A. Forest Editor, Newport News, VA, March 2009.
  2. "An Accelerator Based Cargo Container Inspection System for Nuclear Materials", T.A. Forest et. al., pg 470, Eight International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications and Utilization of Accelerators (ACCAPP'07), Pocatello, ID, July 29-August 2, 2007, Published by the American Nuclear Society

Prior to arriving at ISU

Refereed Journals

  1. Onset of asymptotic scaling in deuteron photodisintegration , P. Rossi, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005), 012301.
  2. Exclusive rho0 meson electroproduction from hydrogen at CLAS , C. Hadjidakis, et. al., Phys. Lett. B605, (2005), 256.
  3. A_LT' asymmetries in semi-exclusive electron scattering on He4 and C12 D. Protopopescu, et al. , Nucl.Phys. A748 (2005) 357-373.
  4. Experimental Determination of the Evolution of the Bjorken Integral at Low Q2 Deur, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, (2004), 212001.
  5. Complete measurement of three-body photodisintegration of 3He for photon energies between 0.35 and 1.55 GeV, S. Niccolai,, Phys. Rev. C 70, (2004), 064003.
  6. Measurement of the Polarized Structure Function sigma(LT') for p(e(vec),e'pi+)n in the Delta resonance region, K. Joo,, Phys. Rev. C 70, (2004), 042201R.
  7. Proton source size measurements in the eA --> e'ppX reaction, A.V. Stavinsky, et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004),192301.
  8. Complete Angular Distribution Measurements of Two-Body Deuteron Photodisintegration between 0.5 and 3 GeV, M. Mirazita, et. al., Phys. Rev. C 70, (2004), 014005.
  9. Tensor Polarization of the phi meson Photoproduced at High t, K. McCormick, et. al., Phys. Rev. C 69, (2004), 032203.
  10. Observation of an exotic baryon with S=+1 in photoproduction from the proton,V. Kubarovsky, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett.92 , (2004),032001.
  11. Two-nucleon momentum distributions measured in 3 He(e, e' p p )n,Niyazov and Weinstein, Phys. Rev. Lett,92 , (2004), 052303.
  12. Observation of an Exotic S=+1 Baryon in Exclusive Photoproduction from the Deuteron,S. Stepanyan, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett.91 , (2003), 252001.
  13. Measurement of the Proton Spin Structure Function g1(x,Q2) for Q2 from 0.15 to 1.6 GeV2 with CLAS, R.Fatemi, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 91, (2003), 222002.
  14. Polarization transfer in the 4He(e,e'p) 3H reaction up to Q2= 2.6(GeV/c)2, S. Strauch, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 91, (2003), 052301.
  15. First Measurement of Transferred Polarization in the Exclusive e(pol)p = -> e'K+Lambda(pol) Reaction, D. Carman, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, (2003), 131804.
  16. Measurement of Beam-Spin Aasymmetries for Deep Inelastic pi+ Electroproduction , H. Avakian, et al., Phys. Rev. , D69, (2004), 112004.
  17. Measurement of Inclusive Spin Structure Fuctions of the Deuteron with CLAS, J. Yun, S. Kuhn, G. Dodge, T.A. Forest, et al., Phys. Rev. C67, (2003), 055204.
  18. Q2 Dependence of Quadrupole Strength in gamma*->Delta(1232)}, K. Joo et. al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 88, (2002), 122001.
  19. First Measurement of the Double Spin Asymmetry in e(pol)p(pol)->e'pi+n in the Resonance Region, R. DeVita et. al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 88, (2002), 082001.
  20. First observation of exclusive DVCS in polarized electron beam asymmetry measurements, S. Stepanyan et. al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 87, (2001), 182002.
  21. Photoproduction of the rho0 meson on the proton at large momentum transfer, M. Battaglieri et.. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, (2001), 172002.
  22. Electroproduction of the Lambda(1520) Hyperon, S. Barrow et. al., Phys. Rev. C 64, (2001), 044601.
  23. Exclusive electroproduction of phi mesons at 4.2 GeV, K. Lukashin et. al., Phys. Rev. C 63, (2001), 065205.
  24. Photoproduction of phi(1020) Mesons on the Proton at Large Momentum Transfer, E. Anciant et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 , (2000), 4682.
  25. Coherent pi0 Photoproduction on the Deuteron up to 4.0 GeV, D.G. Meekins et. al. , Phys. Rev. C 60 , (1999), 52201.
  26. Measurements of Deuteron Photodisintegration up to 4.0 GeV, C. Bochna et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, (1998), 4576.
  27. Measurement of the Proton's Neutral Weak Magnetic Form Factor, B. Mueller et. al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, (1997), 3824.
  28. A High Power Hydrogen Target for Parity Violation Experiments, E. J. Beise, D. H. Beck, E. Candell, R. Carr, F. Duncan, T. Forest, W. Korsch, J. W. Mark, R. D. McKeown, B. A. Mueller, S. Wells , Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A378, (1996), 383.
  29. Threshold Eta Photoproduction, A.S. Rosenthal, T.A. Forest, and M. Gonzales, Phys. Rev. C 44, (1991), 2765.
  30. The Distribtuion of Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud, T.A. Forest, et. al., Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac. 100, 683 (1988).

Books and Proceeding

  1. "Quark hadron duality tests on polarized structure functions using CLAS.", T.A. Forest (for the CLAS collaboration), 3rd International Symposium on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and its Extensions (GDH 2004), Norfolk, Virginia, 2-5 Jun 2004. Published in *Norfolk 2004, Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and its extensions* 84-92.
  2. "The Q**2 dependence of polarized structure functions.", T.A. Forest (for the CLAS collaboration), 9th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (Baryons 2002), Newport News, Virginia, 3-8 Mar 2002. Published in *Newport News 2002, Baryons 2002* 303-306.


  1. NSF Award Id : PHY-0855661, $910k, 9/15/2009 - 8/31/2012
  2. NSF Award Id :PHY- 0653570, $152k, 8/15/2007 - 7/31/2009
  3. CLAS12 R3 ME Design, JLAB sub contract, $64k, 5/28/07 - 9/19/08
  4. Endplate Deflections, JLAB sub contract, $6k, 1/1/07-2/2/07
  5. LaTech GEM, Louisiana Tech subcontract, $47k, 11/1/07-2/1/08
  6. A&T GEM, North Carolina A&T State University sub contract, $5k, 9/1/06-3/1/07

Presentations at Conferences and General Audiences


Department, College, and University activities

Faculty Senate (2008-present)


Qualifying exam committee (2007-2010)

JLab hiring Committee (both times)


New Physics hire

Engineering Ph. D. Committee ( ended in 2007-2009)

ISU colloquium 1/12/2010

Professional Service Activities

NSF proposal reviewer 2010. Two proposals.

Positron workshop proceedings editor

Professionally related community service activities

APS article about homeland security on pg 6 of the December 2009 issue.

File:APS Article 12-2006.pdf

REU program ( 2009,2010)

QuarkNet (2008,2009,2010)

Outreach at Syringa school

Annual Evaluations