I did some TDC ring tests on Detector 4 by adding a 50 Ohm pass through terminator on the base of the top detector and another pass through terminator at the exit of the patch pannel
I needed recommission the DAQ TDC logic which seems to have become unplugged.
I added connectors so TDC1190[6] would have two hits separated by 400 ns
replay the data on daq2 with the command
CODA/CODAreader/ROOT_V5.30/R1DC/evio2nt -fr4516.dat > /dev/null
Both PMT HV were set to 1100 volts and the LED threshold was at 20 mV
run 4518 terminators in
Run 4518 had the bottom PMT of Detector 4 as the trigger and the terminators in.
The TOP PMT did not have mutliple peaks
Difference in time between to first and second hit in Detector 4's top PMT
run 4519 terminators out
Run 4519 had the bottom PMT of Detector 4 as the trigger and the terminators out.
The TOP PMT DID have mutliple peaks