Testing procedure
Things that may cause "noise" that are actually due to your testing setup:
- STB boards not securely attached to chamber. Make sure center screws (ones attaching directly to the chamber, not the nylon stand-offs) are tightened to 14 in. lb's.
- Scope's termination set to 1Mohm. Set the scope to 50ohm termination.
- Lower bandwidth of 1 Ghz scope to 200 Mhz. This attenuates peak height, but also rejects high frequency noise and reduces the noise level from 55-65 mV to ~11-15 mV.
Super Layer 1
STB-1 G1202220
Layer |
Wire |
Channel |
Date |
U1 |
This channel presents higher noise level than the other ones, which makes difficult to get a signal with amplitude below 30mV. This behaviour extends to all the first channels of each connector in the board. however, if a high enough trigger level is set in the scope(~40mV), it is always possible to get a signal in these channels.[[File:]]
U24 |
Warm Wire: This is a channel that always triggers a fake signal.
U38 |
Warm Wire.
U66 |
HOT Wire: This is a channel that always triggers a fake signal very often.
U87 |
HOT Wire.
U93 |
HOT Wire.
The rest of channels not mention here has a similar behaviour between them, with a noise level not greater than ~20mV.
STB-2 G1202266
Layer |
Wire |
Channel |
Date |
U38 |
Hot wire.
U40 |
Warm wire.
U51 |
Hot wire.
U65 |
Hot wire.
STB-3 G1202273
Layer |
Wire |
Channel |
Date |
U1 |
Hot wire.
U2 |
Hot wire.
U39 |
Hot wire.
U78 |
Hot wire.
STB-4 G1202275
Layer |
Wire |
Channel |
Date |
U15 |
This Board presents a unusual noise in all the channels. The noise is a big positive spark, which makes difficult the recolection of signals. However, It was possible by setting a higher trigger level in the scope.
Super Layer 2