Z-Pinch/X-Pinch worldwide Installations
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Fact: As of 2012 Fusion shot simulations at 60 to 70 million amperes are showing a 100 to 1000 fold return on input energy
Worldwide Installations able to produce ICF
- National_Ignition_Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [1]
- Laser_Megajoule in Bordeaux, France [2]
Z-Pinch/X-Pinch worldwide Installations
- Sandia National Laboratories, Z machine (1996): 18 MA 100 ns [3]
- Sandia National Laboratories, ZR (Refurbished) (2006): 27 MA, 95 ns
- Sandia National Laboratories, future ZN (Z Neutron): 20 and 30 MJ per short
- Sandia National Laboratories, future Z-IFE (Z-inertial fusion energy): 70 MA, 1 PetaWatt
- Sandia National Laboratories, SATURN: 8 MA
- 27 MA, 95 ns, ZR at Sandia National Laboratories, USA [4]
- 4 MA, 100 ns, ANGARA-5-1 at TRINITI, Russia [5]
- 1.5 MA, 300 nsec, Dense Z-pinch at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA [6]
- 1.4 MA, 150 ns, MAGPIE at Imperial College, London [7]
- 1.2 MA, 90 ns, Zebra at University of Nevada, USA [8]
- 1 MA, 50 ns, Gamble II at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA [9]
- 1 MA, 95-180 ns, COBRA at Cornell University, USA [10]
- 1 MA, 100 ns, MAIZE (LTD) at University of Michigan, USA [11]
- 1 MA, 50 ns, QiangGuang-1 (QG-1) at Institute of Northwest Nuclear Technology, Xi'an, China
- 650 kA, 390 ns, Compact submicrosecond, high current generator at Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk
- 500 kA, 1.3 us, CePaST X-Pinch System at Florida A&M University [12]
- 450 kA, 40 ns, XP Pulser at Cornell University [13]
- 400 kA, 260 ns, Llampüdkeñ at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile [14]
- 400 kA, 100 ns, PPG-1 at Beijing, China
- University of California, San Diego, GenASIS: 210 kA, 150 ns [15]
- University of California, San Diego: X-Pinch Pulser: 80 kA, 50 ns [16]
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, GEPOPU: 180 kA, 120 ns
- Imperial College, London: 320 kA, 1.2 us
- Imperial College, London: Table-top X-pinch: 40 kA, 30 ns
- Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, LC: 200 kA, 200 ns
- France?, PIAF: 250 kA, 180 ns
- CIAE, China, Light II-A: 200 kA
- Beijing, China, Table Top: 100 kA, 60 ns, 2m x 1.1m x 1.2m
- Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk, Compact Pulse Generator: 300 kA, 200 ns, 70 kg
- P.N.Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Bin: 270 kA, 100 ns
- P.N.Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Don: 150 kA, 30 ns