2n preliminary data analysis
Data on
:Run with 2 Al sheets (2x0.678 mm) as bremsstrahlung converter w/o hardener.
, Detector G(1/left).Bin-by-bin subtraction of the two timing spectra after normalization:
Data on thick U-target and D2O from 8/13/2012:
Data (detector G(1,2)) were normalized to the gun trigger signal. Runs 3999(D2O) and 4001(no target), and 4011(thick U-target) and 4012(no target).
Data on thick U-target,D2O and H2O from 8/16/2012:
Data (detector F(1)) were normalized to the gun trigger signal. Runs 4097(D2O) and 4098(H2O), and 4011(thick U-target) and 4012(no target).
Data (detector H(2)) were normalized to the gun trigger signal. Runs 4100(thick U-taget) and 4099(MT target).
Photon flux study.
The current we were running at (3 sheets of Al):
And when we asked the operator to cut the electron current twice, our photon flux monitor showed:
Data on thick U-target,D2O and H2O from 8/17/2012:
Detector layout:
Solid angles of subtended by the detectors and defined by point source:
Det E | 0.106 | 0106 | sr |
Det M | 0.118 | 0.119 | sr |
Det F | 0.096 | 0.094 | sr |
Det G | 0.063 | 0.061 | sr |
Det H | 0.033 | 0.031 | sr |
Det K | 0.019 | 0.018 | sr |
Det I | 0.011 | 0.011 | sr |
Calibration of detector array efficiency via D2O photodisintegration (run 4111):
And the rest of the detectors:
Jitter of the PS detector and "Ilyusha" (placed on the beam) w.r.t. the gun trigger signal (run 4112):
H2O calibration run (run 4112):
And the rest of the detectors:
Run with MT target (run 4113):
And the rest of the detectors:
Thick U-target data (run 4118):
And the rest of the detectors:
Neutron data bank (two production runs 4118 and 4119 added together). Coincidences between two PMTs for each detector are shown below.