go back
summary what was done
Run #
Dump magnet
2339 |
Up 2 mm |
In |
Open |
Up 2 mm |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 2648/35092 = 0.075 e+/pulse, R(downstream) = 3191/35092 = 0.091 e+/pulse
2341 |
Up 2 mm |
In |
Open |
Out |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 1088/35494 = 0.031 e+/pulse, R(downstream) = 1328/35494 = 0.037 e+/pulse. About 59% of photons are coming from the radiator. Bad
2342 |
Down 2 mm |
In |
Open |
Out |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 1586/36678 = 0.043 e+/pulse, R(downstream) = 1888/36678 = 0.051 e+/pulse
2343 |
Down 2 mm |
In |
Open |
Down 2 mm |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 2232/35488 = 0.063 e+/pulse. About 32% of photons are coming from the radiator. Bad
2344 |
Centered |
In |
Open |
Centered |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 2683/35095 = 0.076 e+/pulse
2345 |
Centered |
In |
Open |
Out |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 1039/35094 = 0.029 e+/pulse. About 62% of photons are coming from the radiator. Bad
2346 |
Centered |
In |
Open |
Out |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 1286/35885 = 0.036 e+/pulse. Improved shielding around dump.
Based on the previous results the beam is total crap, so beam turn up.
2349 |
Centered |
In |
Open |
Out |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 404/35489 = 0.011 e+/pulse.
2350 |
Centered |
In |
Open |
Out |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 428/35093 = 0.012 e+/pulse. Additional shielding around the vacuum window of the beam pipe.
2351 |
Centered |
In |
Open |
Centered |
No |
PS Rate is: R(upstream) = 428/35093 = 0.012 e+/pulse. Additional shielding around the vacuum window of the beam pipe is removed.
Beam Realignment
Screen shot using Phosphorous screen
Electron beam on glass
12pm upstream view screen
12pm downstream view screen