Conducting a Literature Review

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Revision as of 18:29, 25 August 2011 by Shaproma (talk | contribs)
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Tuesday Aug 25, 2011. Spencer Jardine.

   How to determine what’s been written on your topic and which resources will help you.

Resources to Explore

  • WorldCat
  • Dissertation & Theses & database
  • Google Books
  • Google Scholar
  • Library Catalog
  • Subject databases:
  • Specialized search tools and indexes, such as the following:
    • Web of Science
    • Biosis Previews
    • JSTOR
    • MLA International Bibliography
    • See the Resources by Subject pages on the Library website

Conducting a Literature Review: Selected Resources

  • Library Home page -> Library Quick Links -> Help & FAQ -> Contacting Literature Review
  • See also