TF EIMLab5 Writeup

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LC Resonance circuits

The LC cicuit

TF EIM Lab5 LC.png

1.) Design a parallel LC resonant circuit with a resonant frequency between 50-200 kHz. use [math]L[/math] = 10 - 100 [math]\mu H[/math], R = 1k [math]\Omega[/math] .

Element Value
L 33 \mu H
C 1.024 \mu F
R 1 k \Omega
R_L 2 k \Omega

[math]\omega_0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L C}} = \frac{1}{33 \mu H \times 1.025 \mu F} = 172 krad/sec[/math]

[math]\nu = \frac{\omega_0}{2 \pi} = 27 kHz[/math]

2.Construct the LC circuit using a non-polar capacitor

3. Measure the Gain [math]\equiv \frac{V_{out}}{V_{in}}[/math] as a function of frequency. (25 pnts)

4. Compare the measured and theoretical values of the resonance frequency ([math]\omega_{L}[/math]) (10 pnts)


  1. What is the bandwidth of the above circuit? (5 pnts)

The RLC cicuit

TF EIM Lab5 RLC.png

  1. Design and construct a series LRC circuit.
  2. Measure and Graph the Gain as a function of the oscillating input voltage frequency. (25 pnts)
  3. Measure and Graph the Phase Shift as a function of the oscillating input voltage frequency. (25 pnts)


  1. What is the current [math]I[/math] at resonance? (5 pnts)
  2. What is the current as [math]\nu \rightarrow \infty[/math]? (5 pnts)
