Gumstix BitBake onDAQ
errors encountered installing the crosscompiler on the DAQ machine
- Note
- It fails if there are any error messages so follow all the installation requests until it starts saying it is "Handling BitBake files"...
preferred version 2.5 of glibc not available (for item virtual/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-libc-for-gcc)
You need to install Pysco
svn co psyco-dist
To install from the source, run the top-level installation script
python install
Warning, many Linux distributions (e.g. Debian) ship with an incomplete Python. You need to install the ``python-dev package for this to work.
As usual, other commands are available, e.g.
python build_ext -i
will compile the C source and put the result directly into the py-support/ subdirectory (no administrator priviledge is required). After this step, the py-support/ directory is a complete package (exactly as found in the binary distributions) that you can rename to psyco and copy around.
as super user
[root@daq1 gumstix-oe]# mkdir /usr/share/sources [root@daq1 gumstix-oe]# chmod a+rw /usr/share/sources
zlib error
I got an error when bitbake tried to fetch zlib v 1.2.3. The site only has 1.2.5 available.
I edited the file
gumstix-oe/org.openembedded.snapshot/packages/zlib/ and changed the version to 1.2.5 in the directory
it now reads
SRC_URI = " \
file://visibility.patch;patch=1 \ file://autotools.patch;patch=1 "