HRRLrun 3-22-26-2010
HRRL run on March 22-26 2010
Preliminary setup
Install detector infrastructure to mount 2 Drift chambers, 2 Scintillators and 1 GEM on a translator table.
Install collimation
Install all detectors and associated electronics (power supplies, cabling, gas lines,...)
Timing concept
There are 3 modules to be readout; an ADC, a TDC, and the V1495.
The ADC requires a gate defining the integration interval of the pulse. The TDC requires a start pulse to begin the TDC clock and a stop pulse to stop the TDC clock. The V1495 requires a trigger pulse to tell it there is data coming from the VFATs.
The ADC and TDC will be run so they get pulses every time there is a RF pulse. The data are only recorded though if there is a coincidence pulse telling them to keep the data. Otherewise the ADC and TDC will throw the data away.
ADC timing pulse
The linear output of the 3 Fold coincidence module is generated whenever there is an RF pulse from the accelerator and is sent to the 2-channel dual timer. The top channel of the dual timer receives the 3-FOld coincidence linear output and its delayed output is send to the bottom channel of the Dual timer. The bottom of the Dual timer will be used to set the gate width. So use the top channel to adjust the gate such that it is in time with the FC output pulse. Then adjust the bottom channel so the with of the gate integrate over the desired part of the FC output.
TDC timing
install DAQ system and associated readout electronics.
Check channels in histograms
Coincidence: Coincidence between Accelerator's RF pulse generator, and several PMTs
TDC start: Accelerator RF pulse generator. TDC stop: 2 DC, 1 GEM trigout, 4 PMTs
ADC: all FC channels from Accelerator ribbon cable. ADC gate: Create timing gate using scope when accelerator
V1495: Trigger pulse from coincidence logic above
Final day for completing system checks
1pm - 5pm: Tune beam for low and high current