TDC Calibration

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We used:

-detector A to calibrate all the TDCs;

-LeCroy octal discriminator to produce standard negative pulses;

-passive delay line to calibrate TDCs in the region < 100 ns;

-delay amplifier TENNELEC TC215 to calibrate TDCs in the region > 250 ns;

Range of all three TDCs was set to 50nsx100.

ADC-TAC pair was chosen in such a way that we used during the experiment.

ORTEC TAC 567-02 and ADC 1D

567 02.jpg

ORTEC TAC 567-01 and ADC 1A

567 01.jpg

ORTEC TAC 566-01 and ADC 1C

566 01.jpg

Comparison of old and new calibration coefficients

