CLAS apparatus
In EG1b experiment, the polarized targets
The Target System
The 5 T magnetic field parallel to the beam direction is produced by a superconducting pair of Helmholtz coils, which are cooled to 4.2 K using a liquid helium reservoir located outside the CLAS detector. The uniformity of the field is varying less than
over a cylindrical volume of 20 mm in diameter and length. This configuration is necessary for DNP. The particles with scattering angles between 0-50 are detected in the CLAS as well as 75-105 due to the 8 cm gap between the Helmholtz coils. The target magnetic field does not interact with the electron beam, however it is effective in shielding the drift chambers from the low energy Moller electrons.The target field bents the scattered particles in the azimuthal direction and it falls rapidly with distance as ( )The target materials used in the EG1b experiments were
To prepare the target material, ammonia gas was frozen at 77 K and then crushed into little
pieces, about 1-3 mm in diameter. In the case of deuterated ammonia was used. The target are kept in solid form during the experiment by liquid helium.
Tracking System
The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) is equipped with 288 scintillator counters. The purpose of the scintillator is to determine the time of flight for the charged particles and to trigger it in coincidence with another detector system for the particle identification. The time of flight system is built so that time resolution at small polar angles
The time of flight system is located between the Cherenkov detectors and electromagnetic calorimeters. The scintillator strips(BC_408) are located perpendicularly to the average particle trajectory with an angular polar coverage of 1.5 degrees. Each sector of The CLAS detector consists of 48 strips with a thickness of 5.08 cm. The length of the scintillators varies from 30 cm to 450 cm and the width is between 15 cm at small polar angles and 22 cm for the large angles.
Each scintillator of the CLAS detector is surrounded with a photomultiplier tube. When particle hits the scintillator strip, part of its energy can excite atoms in the scintillator which in the end produces light(visible). The produced light is transmitted to the photomultiplier tubes by light guides.
For each photomultiplier tube the time and pulse height are measured. This is important to evaluate the time-walk correction and in addition, the measure of the pulse height gives information on the energy released by the crossing particle.
Cherenkov detector
The CLAS Cherenkov detector is a threshold gas counter filled with perfluorobutane
As a light collector were used the system of mirrors , the light collecting cones and photomultiplier tubes(PMTs). In the extreme regions of the angular acceptance of the spectrometer the number of detected photoelectrons is too low. To get acceptable efficiency of the detector in these regions were placed photomultiplier tubes.
The charged particle trajectories are in planes of almost constant azimuthal angle, because of the toroidal configuration of the magnetic field. Under this conditions, the light collection can be designed to focus the light in the azimuthal angle direction. However, the polar angle is constant. Each of the six sectors was divided into 18 regions of the polar angle
The optical elements of each
The photomultiplier tubes were surrounded with high permeability magnetic fields,because they were located in the fringe field region of the spectrometer(??????).
Below is shown the scheme of CLAS detector
The CLAS detectur contains 8 modules of electromagnetic calorimeter. A calorimeter is a device that measures the total energy deposited by a crossing particle. They are useful in detecting neutral particles and distinguishing between electrons and hadrons due to their different mechanism of depositing energy.The CLAS calorimeter has three main functions:
1) detection of electrons at energies above 0.5 GeV;
2) detection of photons with energies higher than 0.2 GeV;
3) detection of neutrons, with discrimination between photon and neutrons using time-of-flight technique.
6 calorimeter modules of the CLAS detector are placed in each sector in the forward region (polar angle of 10-45 degrees, forward angle calorimeter), while the other two modules are located at large angles in sectors 1 and 2(50-70 degrees, large angle calorimeter). The forward calorimeter has a lead/scintillator thickness ratio 0.2, with 40 cm of scintillators and 8 cm of lead per module. The lead-scintillator sandwich is shaped as a equlaterial triangle in order to match the hexagonal geometry of the CLAS detector. It is made of 39 layers of a 10 mm BC_412 scintillator and lead sheet of thickness of 2.2 mm. Each scintillator layer contains 36 strips parallel to one side of the triangle, with this configuration each orientation is rotated by 120 degrees from another one. This gives three views each containing 13 layers providing stereo information of the location of the energy deposition.
To improve hadron identification, there was provided longitudinal sampling of the shower. Each set of 13 layers were subdivided into an inner 5 layers and outer 8 layers stack.