NSF Reviewer 2020

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What is the potential for the proposed activity to

advance knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields (Intellectual Merit); and

The NSAC long range plan for 2015 does not specify solving Faddeev equations for Nd scattering as an interest. The authors did suggest an impact of a D(n,2n) calculation for diagnosing the physics conditions of the capsule that are irradiated by laser beams at the National Ignition Facility. It was not clear how critical those calculations are for the facility. . Figure 1 compares to data from 1987 and Figure 2 compares to data from

benefit society or advance desired societal outcomes (Broader Impacts)?

The NSAC long range plan does identify the training of students in high performance computing as a need. The proposed training of students in this proposal appears to use FORTRAN as the training environment. The use of this language may actually be a dis-service to students who wish to enter the high performance computing field. The long range plan specifically identifies a need to collaborate with groups that develop computing hardware architectures. This proposal would have benefited from an investigation into porting their FORTRAN codes to take advantage of new computing hardware.

To what extent do the proposed activities suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts?

Is the plan for carrying out the proposed activities well-reasoned, well-organized, and based on a sound rationale? Does the plan incorporate a mechanism to assess success?

How well qualified is the individual, team, or institution to conduct the proposed activities?

Are there adequate resources available to the PI (either at the home institution or through collaborations) to carry out the proposed activities?