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Revision as of 03:07, 1 December 2010


Go to IAC research facility near airport collect:

1) 2 Q1B, 3 Quad2T, 6 Quad2A.

2) 2 KiwiDipole

3) Power supplies: 110 V is preferred, at lest 3, at most 13 (one for each magnet). Need to test before taking, see if they work.

Check for the link IAC_positron_beamline for magnets and power supplies descriptions.


All on the list of 2010-02-24 are in physics beam lab, except 6 Quad2A which will be delivered by IAC research assistant Dillon tomorrow morning.

Next step is to test these power supplies see if they work.


Measure magnetic field strength as function of current dB/dI.

1) Type 1 Quad (also Quad2A )

2) Type 2 Quad (also Quad2T )


Measurement on magnetic field strength as function of current dB/dI were done. And Fitting function for was data created.

1) Type 1 Quad (also Quad2A )

2) Type 2 Quad (also Quad2T )

done: http://wiki.iac.isu.edu/index.php/Instruments_and_Equipments


Need to simulation on HRRL radiation. Place a cylindrical detector near corner of the wall 1 measure total photon and electron energy deposited. In simulation, place cylindrical lead (Pb) shield around HRRL, and see the change on the energy, if I change the thickness of that shield. This need to be done for both new and old (original) position of HRRL, so I can compare the ratio of the total energy deposited (electron and photon energy mixed) in new position to old position. Propose of this simulation is by comparing energy ratio, we have idea of radiation dose will be deposited on the cylindrical detector near the corner of wall 1.




1.)Emmittance measurement.

move magnet power supplies to Accelerator operator post

Map quads

need to design beamline for test

install wiring for at least 2 quads in the HRRL which you will use for emmittance test

2.) Simulation

3.)Calculate impact of beam on Tungsten target in Vacuum


Go back to User:Sadik82


1) Finsh job on 2010-06-04

2) Finish simulation and plot them. (done)

3) Fix the moving plan plot and write the proposal.

4) Put the rack next to the other racks and put the power supplies in it.

5) Finish calculation on two radiation experiments.


1.)Emmittance measurement.

move magnet power supplies to Accelerator operator post ( 2 new supplies are in position, a box will be installed to hold 4 more new supplies) The rest of the space will be filled with the old, large, heavy power supplies as spares.

Ask kevin or chad about 120 Volt AC electrical connection for power supplies.  Do we have multiple circuits to avoid tripping the circuit breakers.? 

Map quads Instruments_and_Equipments#Mapping_Quadruple_Megenets

Create an input file for Optim32 which represent the beam line for the emmittance measurements as shown at Emittance_Test. (done)

install wiring(at least 20 Amp capacity) for at least 2 quads in the HRRL which you will use for emmittance test

2.) Simulation

3.)Calculate impact of beam on Tungsten target in Vacuum



Go to IAC research facility near airport collect:

1) 2 Q1B, 3 Quad2T, 6 Quad2A.

2) 2 KiwiDipole

3) Power supplies: 110 V is preferred, at lest 3, at most 13 (one for each magnet). Need to test before taking, see if they work.

Check for the link IAC_positron_beamline for magnets and power supplies descriptions.


All on the list of 2010-02-24 are in physics beam lab, except 6 Quad2A which will be delivered by IAC research assistant Dillon tomorrow morning.

Next step is to test these power supplies see if they work.


Measure magnetic field strength as function of current dB/dI.

1) Type 1 Quad (also Quad2A )

2) Type 2 Quad (also Quad2T )


Measurement on magnetic field strength as function of current dB/dI were done. And Fitting function for was data created.

1) Type 1 Quad (also Quad2A )

2) Type 2 Quad (also Quad2T )

done: http://wiki.iac.isu.edu/index.php/Instruments_and_Equipments


Need to simulation on HRRL radiation. Place a cylindrical detector near corner of the wall 1 measure total photon and electron energy deposited. In simulation, place cylindrical lead (Pb) shield around HRRL, and see the change on the energy, if I change the thickness of that shield. This need to be done for both new and old (original) position of HRRL, so I can compare the ratio of the total energy deposited (electron and photon energy mixed) in new position to old position. Propose of this simulation is by comparing energy ratio, we have idea of radiation dose will be deposited on the cylindrical detector near the corner of wall 1.




1.)Emmittance measurement.

move magnet power supplies to Accelerator operator post

Map quads

need to design beamline for test

install wiring for at least 2 quads in the HRRL which you will use for emmittance test

2.) Simulation

3.)Calculate impact of beam on Tungsten target in Vacuum


Go back to User:Sadik82


1) Finsh job on 2010-06-04

2) Finish simulation and plot them. (done)

3) Fix the moving plan plot and write the proposal.

4) Put the rack next to the other racks and put the power supplies in it.

5) Finish calculation on two radiation experiments.


Prepare for emittance test.

1) Power wiring for quad. Use the wire used for old dipole, and bring power 20-Amp supply in IAC.

2) Figure out how to use flag. (done)

3) Install water cooling for the quad.


1) Power for light and control (actuater) for Flag. Control for flag. (done)

2) Fix the stand for Flag.(done)

3) Find the center of the quad. (done:Khalid said geometrical center is the magnetic center)

4) Bolts and cables for FC.(bolts found, need find cables.)

5) Water for quad.(Pipe need metric bolts.)


1) Write radiation foot print report.

2) Trig camera and take picture.

3) Order a cable for camera.

4) Data analysis on HRRL emittance.

5) Look at the paper on how to do OTR with Al.


1) Setup Flag at the optic table.

2) Change the "current vs sigma" to "B-field vs sigma". Find emittance.

3) Finish automatic script to find RMS.

Nov 30 , 2010

1.) Get OTR foil

2.) Accelerator lessons from Chad (startup and shutdown, and magnet controls)

3.) Mount Flag on optics table, and use Labview to capture images.

4.) Survey plan to center OTR target on beam line.

5.) Resolve emittance measurement differences

Go back to User:Sadik82