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Line 742: Line 742:
New Position:
New Position:
Total Photon Energy (if(evt.ID==22) Ek_g_t +=evt.Ek;) = 79020.5
Total Photon Energy (if(evt.ID==22) Ek_g_t +=evt.Ek;) = 79020.5
Line 748: Line 750:
New Position:
Total Photon Energy (if(evt.ID==22) Ek_g_t +=evt.Ek;) =
Total Electron Energy (if(evt.ID==11)  Ek_e_t +=evt.Ek;) =

Revision as of 23:28, 29 April 2010

Design a simulation to determine radiation footprint in HRRL cell.

1.) The ceiling is 4 feet thick

2.) there is PB shiedling between the HRRL accelerator room and the accelerator operator station

3.) the dirt is about 10 feet thick on the wall side where the accelerator is going to be mounted

4.) determine shielding wall thickness for HRRL cavity to reduce dose out the door

5.) Determine shielding for Tungsten converter


Get a drawing from facilities documenting the shielding in that cell with dimensions

Denton Dance: x4710, may be able to provide drawings. B119 Beam Lab

Material Definitions


Concrete has 6 elements and a density of 2.7 g/cm^3

Element Atomic Weight (A) Atomic Number (Z) Proportion by Weight
1 1.0079 1. 0.004
2 15.9994 8. 0.509
3 26.981539 13 0.034
4 28.0855 14. 0.345
5 40.078 20 0.070
6 55.8474 26. 0.038

GEANT4 code

a = 1.0079*g/mole;
  G4Element* elH  = new G4Element(name="Hydrogen",symbol="H" , z= 1., a);
  a = 15.9994*g/mole;
  G4Element* elO  = new G4Element(name="Oxygen"  ,symbol="O" , z= 8., a);
a = 26.981539*g/mole;
  G4Element* elAl  = new G4Element(name="Aluminum",symbol="Al" , z= 13., a);
a = 28.0855*g/mole;
  G4Element* elSi  = new G4Element(name="Silicon",symbol="Si" , z= 14., a);
a = 40.078*g/mole;
  G4Element* elCa  = new G4Element(name="Calcium",symbol="Ca" , z= 20., a);
a = 55.8474*g/mole;
  G4Element* elNi  = new G4Element(name="Iron",symbol="Fe" , z= 26., a);

  density =2.7*g/cm3;
  G4Material* Concrete = new G4Material(name="Concrete ",density,ncomponents=6);
  Concrete->AddElement(elH, fractionmass=0.4*perCent);
  Concrete->AddElement(elO, fractionmass=50.9*perCent);
 Concrete->AddElement(elAl, fractionmass=3.4*perCent);
 Concrete->AddElement(elSi, fractionmass=34.5*perCent);
 Concrete->AddElement(elCa, fractionmass=7.0*perCent);
 Concrete->AddElement(elNi, fractionmass=3.8*perCent);

Relative Rates

The first step in the simulation will be to compare relative radiation rates at the exit of the accelerator room. The radiation exiting the accelerator room before and after moving the accelerator will be simulated. Although all particles can be tracked we will mostly be interested in gamma and neutron fluxes through the door. The ratio of before/after moving fluxes for gamma and neutron should be plotted as a function of energy.


[HRRL room dimension measured by Jason Swanson]

HRRL Geom by Sadiq

what is the thicknes of the walls below.

No dirt inside walls.

Wall Number 3, 4 and 5 are 1 feet thick.

Ceiling is 5 feet thick. Above that is 1st floor metal structure.

HRRL Geom by sadiq.jpg

GEANT4 Simulation Setup

HRRL Room Top view

Hrrl room walls numbered.jpg

Wall is not real wall. Its material is air, this wall is just used as detector to detect particles and photons.

Hrrl room wall8.jpg

Hrrl room top.jpg

HRRL Room 45 Degree View

Hrrl room 45deg.jpg

HRRL Room Side view

Hrrl room side.jpg

HRRL Electron Source and Tungsten Target 45 Degree View

Hrrl beam and target 45deg.jpg

HRRL Electron Source and Tungsten Target Top View

Hrrl beam and target top.jpg

HRRL New Electron Source

New e- Source Position.jpg

Geant4 Codes

GPS e- Source

/gps/particle e-

/gps/energy 10. MeV

/gps/pos/type Plane

/gps/pos/shape Circle

/gps/pos/radius 0.6 cm

/gps/pos/sigma_r 3 mm

/gps/pos/sigma_x 3 mm

/gps/pos/sigma_y 3 mm

Old Position, -Z direction:

/gps/pos/centre 380 101.6 -93.68 cm

New Postion, X direction:

/gps/pos/centre 66.5 101.6 93.93 cm

/gps/direction 1 0 0

Physics List

File:Physics List.txt

10 MeV Gamma hit 2 meter D2O target to show neutron from disintegrated deuterium.

Yellow: neutron

Red: electron

Gray: gamma

It is better to show the tracking output in 
order to see the physics process and particles created.


Dectector Construction

File:Detector Construction.txt

Electron and photon interactions with the target and the walls

Electron in Target

* G4Track Information:   Particle = e-,   Track ID = 8,   Parent ID = 2

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    1 1.66401 m  1.01473 m  93.5217 cm      0 eV 147.944 keV29.1396 um 29.1396 um       Target       eIoni

Electron go into Wall3

* G4Track Information:   Particle = e-,   Track ID = 1,   Parent ID = 0

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    1 1.64085 m  1.03791 m  93.998 cm 9.76788 MeV198.526 keV97.4316 cm 97.4316 cm        World       eIoni

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    2 1.67863 m  1.03716 m  93.7509 cm 9.73665 MeV7.70861 keV3.7869 cm 1.01218 m         World       eIoni

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    3 2.38158 m  1.04721 m  88.1765 cm 9.53633 MeV 137.3 keV70.5761 cm 1.71795 m         World       eIoni

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    4 4.8856 m  1.06243 m  1.22615 m  9.04023 MeV496.099 keV2.5446 m  4.26254 m         World  Transportation

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    5  5.194 m   1.034 m  1.28563 m  8.91744 MeV122.789 keV31.6299 cm 4.57884 m         Wall3  Transportation

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    6    7.5 m  95.4945 cm 1.63263 m  8.49278 MeV424.668 keV2.34972 m  6.92856 m    OutOfWorld  Transportation

Gamma go into Wall3

* G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   Track ID = 3,   Parent ID = 1

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    1 4.8856 m  98.0398 cm 24.6372 cm 78.0395 keV     0 eV 3.08802 m  3.08802 m         World  Transportation

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    2  5.194 m  97.6205 cm 17.6225 cm 78.0395 keV     0 eV 31.6305 cm 3.40432 m         Wall3  Transportation

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    3 5.97662 m  96.5562 cm -1.78528 mm      0 eV    403 eV 80.2682 cm  4.207 m         World        phot

Gamma go into Wall4

* G4Track Information:   Particle = gamma,   Track ID = 2,   Parent ID = 1

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    1 2.98112 m  1.42043 m  1.8796 m  92.4831 keV     0 eV 1.72044 m  1.72044 m         World  Transportation

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    2 3.42618 m  1.53616 m  2.1844 m  92.4831 keV     0 eV 55.1695 cm 2.27214 m         Wall4  Transportation

#Step#      X         Y         Z        KineE    dEStep   StepLeng  TrakLeng    Volume     Process
    3    7.5 m  2.59551 m  4.97442 m  92.4831 keV     0 eV   5.05 m  7.32214 m    OutOfWorld  Transportation


Radiation Ratio estimate for Wall 8 2/25/10

A GEANT4 simulation was used to compare the radiation footprint of the HRRL before and after its relocation. The ratio of radiation incident at the exit of the accelerator room (identified as Wall #8 in the pictures below) was estimated by tracking electrons, photons, and neutrons.

The red line in the figure below indicates the interaction point of an electron from the HRRL accelerator with a Tungsten radiator used to convert the incident electron into e+e- pairs. The proposed location for the HRRL is to move it just below wall #6 and in front of the "Z" axis label..

Hrrl room walls numbered.jpg

The drawing below identifies the location of Wall #8. Wall 8 is composed of air, this wall is just used as detector to detect particles and photons.

Hrrl room wall8.jpg

Number of particles

Simulation results by number of particles for 10 million run.

Particle Numbers at Old Position [1] Numbers at New Position [2] Ration (new:old)
e- 697728 2397851 3.43665583
gamma 375260 779381 0.481484665

G4 code for registering particles in wall8. Daughter particles are also registered as long as they are in wall8.

if(  fTrack->GetVolume()->GetName() =="Wall8"  && (fTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==22 ||fTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==11 ||fTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==2212 ||fTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==2112 ))
	if (fTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==22 ) //if gamma 
	{     ig++; 
	       << ig  << " 22 "	
	      <<fTrack->GetKineticEnergy() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().x()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().y()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().z()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().x() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().y() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().z() << " "<< G4endl;}
	if (fTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==11 ) //if e-
	      << ie  << " 11 "	
	      <<fTrack->GetKineticEnergy() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().x()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().y()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().z()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().x() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().y() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().z() << " "<< G4endl;}
	if (fTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==2212 ) //if proton
	      << ip  << " 2212 "	
	      <<fTrack->GetKineticEnergy() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().x()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().y()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().z()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().x() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().y() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().z() << " "<< G4endl;}
	if (fTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()==2112 ) //if neutron
	      << in  << " 2112 "	
	      <<fTrack->GetKineticEnergy() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().x()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().y()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetPosition().z()<< " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().x() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().y() << " "
	      << fTrack->GetMomentum().z() << " "<< G4endl;}

Energy profile

The figures below illustrate the energy spectrum of radiation entering wall #8 (described above) as predicted by a GEANT4 simulation of the HRRL accelerator room.

Old Position


Kinetic energy (Ek) in the unit of MeV below

Electron Ek.jpg

Electron Ek 0toPoint2.jpg

Position x in the unit of mm below

Electron x.jpg

Position y

Electron y.jpg

Position z

Electron z.jpg

Ek vs x

Electron Ek vs x.jpg

Ek vs y

Electron Ek vs y.jpg

Ek vs z

Electron Ek vs z.jpg

x vs y

Electron x vs y.jpg

y vs z

Electron y vs z.jpg

z vs x

Electron z vs x.jpg


Electron Ek xB-915.jpg


Electron Ek x-915To-2133.jpg


Electron Ek xS-2133.jpg


Kinetic energy (Ek) in the unit of MeV below

Gamma Ek.jpg

Position x in the unit of mm below

Gamma x.jpg

Position y

Gamma y.jpg

Position z

Gamma z.jpg

Ek vs x

Gamma Ek vs x.jpg

Ek vs y

Gamma Ek vs y.jpg

Ek vs z

Gamma Ek vs z.jpg

x vs y

Gamma x vs y.jpg

y vs z

Gamma y vs z.jpg

z vs x

Gamma z vs x.jpg


Gamma Ek xB-915.jpg


Gamma Ek x-915To-2133.jpg


Gamma Ek xS-2133.jpg


Ek vs x

Neutron Ek vs x.jpg


No proton was seen.

New Position


Kinetic energy (Ek) in the unit of MeV below

Electron Ek New.jpg

Electron Ek 0To1 New.jpg

Position x in the unit of mm below

Electron x New.jpg

Position y

Electron y New.jpg

Position z

Electron z New.jpg

Ek vs x

Electron Ek vs x New.jpg

Ek vs y

Electron Ek vs y New.jpg

Ek vs z

Electron Ek vs z New.jpg

x vs y

Electron x vs y New.jpg

y vs z

Electron y vs z New.jpg

z vs x

Electron z vs x New.jpg


Electron Ek xB-915 New.jpg


Electron Ek x-915To-2133 New.jpg


Electron Ek xS-2133 New.jpg


Kinetic energy (Ek) in the unit of MeV below

Gamma Ek New.jpg

Position x in the unit of mm below

Gamma x New.jpg

Position y

Gamma y New.jpg

Position z

Gamma z New.jpg

Ek vs x

Gamma Ek vs x New.jpg

Ek vs y

Gamma Ek vs y New.jpg

Ek vs z

Gamma Ek vs z New.jpg

x vs y

Gamma x vs y New.jpg

y vs z

Gamma y vs z New.jpg

z vs x

Gamma z vs x New.jpg


Gamma Ek xB-915 New.jpg


Gamma Ek x-915To-2133 New.jpg


Gamma Ek xS-2133 New.jpg


Ek vs x

Neutron Ek vs x New.jpg


No proton was seen.

ROOT commands

The command below will create a program skeleton which you can use to parse the data

.L hredtest.C 
 hredtest t;

HRRL Radiation Simulations with Thin Detectors

Detectors are created in GEANT4, Detector dz and dx.

Detector dz: a thin detector in z direction (with thickness dz=1 mircron), and same dimension in xy plane with wall8. It gives xy-plane view of radiation.

Detector dx: a thin detector in x direction (with thickness dx=1 mircron), and same dimension in yz plane with wall8. It gives yz-plane view of radiation.

Origin of the coordinate system is moved to new position, shown as in figure below.

Dx and dy detector.jpg

Wall8 dx and dy detectors.jpg

Electron and Photon Mixed

New Position

xy-plane view

New xy.jpg

yz-plane view

New yz.jpg

Old Position

xy-plane view

Old xy.jpg

yz-plane view

Old yz.jpg

Energy Profile Comparison between Old and New Positions

New position:red color.

Old position:blue color.


Photon: xy-plane view

 These are the photons coming through the opening?
 Yes, these 2 detectors are very thin (1 micron thick). One is thin on z direction, gives xy-plane view, at the operator side of wall8. Another one is thin on x direction, gives yz-plane view, at the accelerator side of the room.

Photon xy.jpg

These are the photons coming through the wall?

Photon: yz-plane view

Photon yz.jpg


Electron: xy-plane view

Electron xy.jpg

Electron: yz-plane view

Electron yz.jpg

Energy/incident electron

For each graph determine the total energy deposited per incident electron for the two configurations then take the ratio.

New Position:


Total Photon Energy (if(evt.ID==22) Ek_g_t +=evt.Ek;) = 79020.5

Total Electron Energy (if(evt.ID==11) Ek_e_t +=evt.Ek;) = 102820

New Position:


Total Photon Energy (if(evt.ID==22) Ek_g_t +=evt.Ek;) =

Total Electron Energy (if(evt.ID==11) Ek_e_t +=evt.Ek;) =
