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[[File:GEMC Results LBModifiedFit.png|200px]]
[[File:GEMC Results LBModifiedFit.png|200px]]
Now attempt to recreate the plot using a LUND file with phi equal to 90 degrees (0 degrees if defined in the gcard).

Revision as of 16:33, 3 November 2016

Here are the plots that I am trying to recreate


using the commands

clas12->Draw("GenPart.z-Event.z >> R1(1000,-5,5)","abs(GenPart.x-Event.x)<1 && abs(GenPart.y-Event.y)<1 && sqrt(GenPart.x*GenPart.x+GenPart.y*GenPart.y)<0.2");
clas12->Draw("GenPart.z-Event.z >> R7(1000,-5,5)","abs(GenPart.x-Event.x)<1 && abs(GenPart.y-Event.y)<1 && sqrt(GenPart.x*GenPart.x+GenPart.y*GenPart.y)>0.6 && sqrt(GenPart.x*GenPart.x+GenPart.y*GenPart.y)<0.8");

Here is the gcard used


      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/fc/forwardCarriage" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/dc/dc"            factory="TEXT" variation="ccdb"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/ec/ec"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/ctof/ctof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/ftof/ftof"            factory="TEXT" variation="java"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/htcc/htcc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/magnets/solenoid" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/pcal/pcal"            factory="TEXT" variation="javageom"/>
      <option name="SCALE_FIELD" value="clas12-torus-big, -1"/>
      <option name="HALL_FIELD"  value="clas12-solenoid"/>
      <option name="OUTPUT" value="evio,eg12_sol_75k_1cm_DiskTarg_30DegRot_GEMC_2.5.ev"/>
       <option name="BEAM_P" value="e-, 6.0*GeV, 25.0*deg, 30*deg"/>
               <option name="SPREAD_V" value="(1.0,0.0)cm"/>


Here is the command line for GEMC:

~/src/CLAS/GEMC/2.0.Linux__Ubuntu16.04-x86_64-gcc5.4.0/gemc/2.5/gemc -USE_GUI=0 -N=75000 eg12.gcard

I used the same coatjava command (no fields) as seen below

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-2.4/bin/clas12-reconstruction -config GEOM::new=true -s DCHB:DCTB:EC:FTOF:EB -config DATA::mc=true -config DCTB::useRaster=true -i eg12_sol_75k_1cm_DiskTarg_30DegRot_GEMC_2.5.ev -o eg12_sol_75k_1cm_DiskTarg_30DegRot_GEMC_2.5_rec.evio

and finally the evio2root command line (done on lds2):

~/src/CLAS/evioRoot/bin/evio2root eg12_sol_75k_1cm_DiskTarg_30DegRot_GEMC_2.5_rec.evio eg12_sol_75k_1cm_DiskTarg_30DegRot_GEMC_2.5_rec.root 75000

For the plot below I required that Event.z is non-zero and that Event.z < 2cm.

VzDiff Z=0 DeltaR=0.2.png

Since these 2 plots were statistically different, I will try to use the same random number generator. Here is the gcard I used: <gcard>

      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/fc/forwardCarriage" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/dc/dc"            factory="TEXT" variation="ccdb"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/ec/ec"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/ctof/ctof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/ftof/ftof"            factory="TEXT" variation="java"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/htcc/htcc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/magnets/solenoid" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
      <detector name="../../../../../../clas12/pcal/pcal"            factory="TEXT" variation="javageom"/>
      <option name="SCALE_FIELD" value="clas12-torus-big, -1"/>
      <option name="HALL_FIELD"  value="clas12-solenoid"/>
      <option name="OUTPUT" value="evio,eg12_sol_75k_1cm_DiskTarg_30DegRot_GEMC_2.5_new.ev"/>
       <option name="BEAM_P" value="e-, 6.0*GeV, 25.0*deg, 0*deg"/>
       <option name="SPREAD_V" value="(1.0,0.0)cm"/>
<option name="RANDOM" value="123483273456"/>


Here is the GEMC command line:

~/src/CLAS/GEMC/2.0.Linux__Ubuntu16.04-x86_64-gcc5.4.0/gemc/2.5/gemc -USE_GUI=0 -N=75000 eg12_sol_1cm_DiskTarg.gcard

and the reconstruction line:

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-2.4/bin/clas12-reconstruction -config GEOM::new=true -s DCHB:DCTB:EC:FTOF:EB -config DATA::mc=true -config DCTB::useRaster=true -i eg12_sol_75k_1cm_DiskTarg_30DegRot_GEMC_2.5_new.ev -o eg12_sol_75k_1cm_DiskTarg_30DegRot_GEMC_2.5_rec_new.evio

Here are the histograms to be compared to mine created on 10/26/16


and here are the plots using the sample cuts above provided by Dr. Forest:

VzDiff ForestCopy Retry.png

I haven't perfected setting stat box titles in my macro yet, but the order is that black is 0.0cm-0.2cm, then the stat boxes rotate around clockwise where magenta is 0.8cm-1.0cm.

Despite my reconstruction failing from 0.4cm<Z<0.6cm, I tried to plot only that region and use the fit panel to restrict the region of interest for the fit. The plot is below

VzDiff R7 ModifiedFit.png

Here sigma is 0.1861 +/- 0.0015, which agrees identically with Dr. Forest's result. Similarly, I can do the same with my first annular section (R1) and with any plot that does not initially agree to get different values that do agree. Using this modified fit method the following plot can be created

GEMC Results LBModifiedFit.png

Now attempt to recreate the plot using a LUND file with phi equal to 90 degrees (0 degrees if defined in the gcard).