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= 3 MeV =
== 2 ways to calculate electron charge ==
    NE(Int_t ri, Int_t Reprate, Int_t calc_meth){
    printf("%d %d \n",ri, Reprate);
    if(ri==1) TFile *f = new TFile("C:/Users/sadiq/Documents/phd/Runs_Jul_2012/rootfiles/7-27-12/r3735.root");
    else if(ri==2) TFile *f = new TFile("C:/Users/sadiq/Documents/phd/Runs_Jul_2012/rootfiles/7-27-12/r3737.root");
    TTree *ntuple = (TTree*)f->Get("ntuple");
    TH1F *f9=new TH1F("f9","ADC9",4000,0,4000);
        TCanvas * c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "c2",600 ,500);
        Long64_t ne;
        printf("%d \n", ne);
      //method 1 is reprate times single pulse charge
=== method 1===
= Hand calculation on electron rate =
        Double_t Qp1=0,Qp2=0;
At full current on Faraday cup 1 we have 1201 nVs/ADC channel.
        if(calc_meth == 1){
<math>\frac{1201~nVs}{50 \Omega} = 24~nAs = 24~nC</math>
        //Qp2 = (f9->Integral())*(1.22*1e-9)/50; //charge calculate with method 2.
charge rate under 300 Reprate: <math>300 \times 24~nAs = 7200~nC = 7.2 \frac{\mu C }{ s}</math>
        ADC9_fit_mean = f9->GetMean(1);
        //ADC9_fit_mean = ADC9->GetMean(1);
        printf("ADC9_fit_mean = %d \n",ADC9_fit_mean);
        Qp1 = ADC9_fit_mean*(1.22*1e-9)/50; //Qp: charge per pulse. The calibration: 1.22 (9nV s)/(ADC channel), 50 ohm Terminal.
        printf("e- charge per pulse with method 1: %g\n",Qp1);
        //printf("Reprate: %d\n",Reprate);
        Qs=Reprate*Qp1; //Qs: Charge per second.
        //printf("e- charge per second: %g\n",Qs);
        ne=Qs/Q_e; //Ne: number of electrons per second.
=== method 2===
<math> \frac{7.2 \times 10^{-6}\frac{ C }{ s}} {1.6 \times 10^{-19} C} = 4.5 \times 10^{13}</math>
        if(calc_meth == 2){
        printf("%bin# Bin Content%d\n");
        for(i=1; i<=4000; i++){
        //for(i=0; i<=600; i++){
        bin_content[i] = f9->GetBinContent(i);
        //printf("%d  %d  %g \n",i,bin_content[i],Qp2);
        //printf("Integral = %d \n",f9->Integral());
        //Qp2 = (f9->Integral())*(1.22*1e-9)/50; //charge calculate with method 2.   
        printf("total e- charge in this run with method 2: %g\n",Qp2);
        //printf("Reprate: %d\n",Reprate);
        Qs=Qp2; //Qs: Charge per second.
        printf("e- charge per second: %g\n",Qs);
        printf("e- charge: %g\n",Q_e);
        ne=Qs/Q_e; //Ne: number of electrons per second.
        printf("1. total number of electrons in this run: %g\n",ne);
        printf("2. total number of electrons in this run: %g\n",ne);
== results in 3 MeV ==
=== results on 3 MeV with Method 2 ===
= Data =
== 3735 sub 3736 ==
{| border="1"
{| border="1"
|run in||run out||NaI Left: in sub out||NaI Right: in sub out || NaI Left: in sub out || NaI Right: in sub out|| NaI Left: overlap in and out || NaI Right: overlap in and out ||e- rate (Hz)||e+ rate (Hz)||e+/e+ ratop || e- current (A)
|run in||run out || NaI Left: image with cut || NaI Right: image with cut || NaI Left: image with no cut (rate calculate with cut)|| NaI Right: image with no cut (rate calculate with cut) || NaI Left: image with cut, no normalization || NaI Right: , no normalization
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DL_with_cut.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DR_with_cut.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_ove_r3736_DL_with_cut_no_norm.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_ove_r3736_DR_with_cut_no_norm.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_ove_r3736_DL_no_cut.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_ove_r3736_DR_no_cut.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DL.png|100 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DR.png|100 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DL_1.png|100 px]]
Reprate = 300 Hz
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DR_1.png|100 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_over_r3736_DL_1.png|100 px]]
Run time = 1002 s
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_over_r3736_DR_1.png|100 px]]
Pulses = 301462
||1.18636e+012||0.25656||2.16258e-013 || 1.90076e-007
Events = 9045
e- rate = 7.80042e+013 +- 2.25903e+012 (Hz)
e+ rate = 1.41748 +- 0.0376119 (Hz).
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DL.png|100 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DR.png|100 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DL_1.png|100 px]]
e- current:I_e- =6.26271e-006+-3.61937e-007 (A).
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DR_1.png|100 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_over_r3736_DL_1.png|100 px]]
e+/I_e-=1.4 Hz e+ / 6.3 \muA e-
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_over_r3736_DR_1.png|100 px]]
== 3737 sub 3736 ==
||1.97625e+012||0.251457||1.27239e-013 || 3.1663e-007
{| border="1"
|run in||run out
|| NaI Left: image with cut || NaI Right: image with cut || NaI Left: image with no cut (rate calculate with cut)|| NaI Right: image with no cut (rate calculate with cut) || NaI Left: image with cut, no normalization || NaI Right:  , no normalization
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DL_with_cut.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DR_with_cut.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_ove_r3736_DL_with_cut_no_norm.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_ove_r3736_DR_with_cut_no_norm.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_ove_r3736_DL_no_cut.png|400 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_ove_r3736_DR_no_cut.png|400 px]]
=== Hand calculation on electron rate ===
Reprate = 300 Hz
Run time = 1094 s
Pulses = 329368
Events = 15361
e- rate = 1.36517e+014 +- 2.39286e+012 (Hz)
e+ rate = 1.60462 +- 0.0382982 (Hz).
e- current:I_e- =1.52232e-005+-3.83378e-007 (A).
e+/I_e-=1.6 Hz e+ / 15 \muA e-
At full current on Faraday cup 1 we have 1201 nVs/ADC channel.
<math>\frac{1201~nVs}{50 \Omega} = 24~nAs = 24~nC</math>
charge rate under 300 Reprate: <math>300 \times 24~nAs = 7200~nC = 7.2 \frac{\mu C }{ s}</math>
<math> \frac{7.2 \times 10^{-6}\frac{ C }{ s}} {1.6 \times 10^{-19} C} = 4.5 \times 10^{13}</math>
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Latest revision as of 04:23, 24 September 2012

Hand calculation on electron rate

At full current on Faraday cup 1 we have 1201 nVs/ADC channel.

[math]\frac{1201~nVs}{50 \Omega} = 24~nAs = 24~nC[/math]

charge rate under 300 Reprate: [math]300 \times 24~nAs = 7200~nC = 7.2 \frac{\mu C }{ s}[/math]

[math] \frac{7.2 \times 10^{-6}\frac{ C }{ s}} {1.6 \times 10^{-19} C} = 4.5 \times 10^{13}[/math]


3735 sub 3736

run in run out NaI Left: image with cut NaI Right: image with cut NaI Left: image with no cut (rate calculate with cut) NaI Right: image with no cut (rate calculate with cut) NaI Left: image with cut, no normalization NaI Right: , no normalization
3735 3736 Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 sub r3736 DL with cut.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 sub r3736 DR with cut.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 ove r3736 DL with cut no norm.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 ove r3736 DR with cut no norm.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 ove r3736 DL no cut.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 ove r3736 DR no cut.png

Reprate = 300 Hz

Run time = 1002 s

Pulses = 301462

Events = 9045

e- rate = 7.80042e+013 +- 2.25903e+012 (Hz)

e+ rate = 1.41748 +- 0.0376119 (Hz).


e- current:I_e- =6.26271e-006+-3.61937e-007 (A).

e+/I_e-=1.4 Hz e+ / 6.3 \muA e-

3737 sub 3736

run in run out NaI Left: image with cut NaI Right: image with cut NaI Left: image with no cut (rate calculate with cut) NaI Right: image with no cut (rate calculate with cut) NaI Left: image with cut, no normalization NaI Right: , no normalization
3737 3736 Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 sub r3736 DL with cut.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 sub r3736 DR with cut.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 ove r3736 DL with cut no norm.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 ove r3736 DR with cut no norm.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 ove r3736 DL no cut.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 ove r3736 DR no cut.png

Reprate = 300 Hz

Run time = 1094 s

Pulses = 329368

Events = 15361

e- rate = 1.36517e+014 +- 2.39286e+012 (Hz)

e+ rate = 1.60462 +- 0.0382982 (Hz).


e- current:I_e- =1.52232e-005+-3.83378e-007 (A).

e+/I_e-=1.6 Hz e+ / 15 \muA e-

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