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Latest revision as of 21:00, 25 February 2010


Tyson Harker presentation to Myself, Abdel Haitham, Tamar Didberidze. Two other professors were also here.

File:TysHarker 2-25-2010 ContControl.pdf

How to handle radioactive contaminants.

AU = Authorized user: responsible for handling spills, make cleanup assignments, to control spread of contamination

RSO: Radiation Safety Officer appoints AU

ALARA principle: As Low As Reasonably Achievable, Time , distance, shielding.

Required equipment: Lab coat, closed toe shoes, rubber gloves, ( I would add face shield)

Telephone: telephone required with safety numbers.

Radiation monitor check: Calibration source, Integrity check (visible damage to device) , battery check, alarm check

RPR11a & RPR11d: survey maps need to be filled out and displayed, after each work interval with material.

Work area needs: Need trash can with Radioactive Material Label, disposable surface, RAM (Radio Active Material) storage area

Contaminations Surveys: need to survey area to determine if contamination present.

Contamination COntrol: WIpe and fold, push contaminant to highest activity level, with each wipe fold it inward. Clean hand / Dirty hand technique: one hand for radioactive material and one for survey/other work. If unsure which was which, change gloves.

Whole body frisk technique: First do hands then FACTB: Face, Abdomen, Throat, Chest, Back : 1 inch away about moving 1"/sec

Spills: Quantify spill to determine if minor or major spill, ALI = Annual Limit of Intake.

Spill action protocol: SWIM= Secure Warn Isolate(rope off area, close lab,...) Minimize the spread of contamination

Spill Kit: rubber gloves, waste bags, boundary rope & signs, Absorbents, Tape, Swipes, paper clothes in case you need to remove contaminated clothing.