Calculating the cross section for thorium-232 depending on the hadron fission class under Incl-Abla cascade interface. cross section= (the No. of fissions events)/(The number of the incident neutrons/Area) = n/(N/A) = n/(N*l/V) V:volume l: thickness = n/((N*l)/(m/d) m:mass d: density = n*m/N*l*d =n*m/100*10*11.72 the atomic radius of Th-232 = 179.8 pm The number of atoms in 10 cm = 0.1/2 * 179.8*10^-12 =2.79*10^8 atom = 4.64*10^-16 mol * 232.04 = 1.08*10^-13 g cross section = n * 1.08*10^-13/100 * 10 * 11.72 = n * 1.8*10^-18 cm^-2 = n * 1.8*10^6 Table for the value of the energy and the value for he cross section for that energy E xsection*10^6 22 9 21 3.6 20 27 19 9 18 16.2 17 12.6 16 9 15 18 14 5.4 13 9 12 1.8 11 16.2 10 5.4 9 7.2 8 14.4 7 9 6 5.4 5 1.8 4 1.8 3 5.4 2 3.6 1 1.8