\documentclass[12pt] {article} %for manuscript? \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{graphics} %\usepackage[dvips] {graphics,color} %\pagestyle{empty} %\pagenumbering{arabic} %\renewcommand{\thepage}{C-\arabic{page}} %\parskip 2pt %\parindent 10pt %\setlength{\topmargin}{0.5 in} %\baselineskip 5pt %\oddsidemargin=5mm %\evensidemargin=-5mm %\topmargin=0mm %\topskip=0mm %\headheight=0mm %\headsep=0mm %\footskip=10mm %\textheight=220mm\medskip %\textwidth=160mm \begin{document} \noindent \begin{center} {\Large Write your title Here} \end{center} \hspace{0.25in}Write your Proposal Here \newpage \setcounter{page}{0} \begin {center} {\large \sf Write Your Title Here\\} \end{center} \medskip \vspace{2in} \begin{tabbing} \= \hspace{0.1in} \= {\sf Author}\\ \> \> Contact info 1 \\ \> \> Contact info 2 \\ \> \> Contact info 3 \\ \> \> Contact info 4 \\ \end{tabbing} \medskip \vspace{2in} \begin{center}\today\end{center} %\date{\empty} \setcounter{page}{0} \thispagestyle{empty} %\maketitle \newpage \section{Project Objectives}\label{sect:Objectives} % A clear and concise statement of the specific objective/aims of the proposed project \hspace{0.25in}I propose to %\begin{figure}[htbp] %\centerline{ %\scalebox{0.3} [0.4]{\rotatebox{0}{\includegraphics{test1.png}}} } %\hspace{0.5 in} %\scalebox{0.25} [0.25]{\rotatebox{0}{\includegraphics{Graphs/PhaseSpace.eps}}}} %\caption{The left figure illustrate the Positron Yield, $N (e^+/e^-)$, and Brightness as a function of converter %thickness when 10 MeV electrons impinge the Tungsten target. The phase space ($x$ -vs- $x^\prime$) for %positrons leaving a 0.5 mm thick Tungsten target is shown in the left figure. %} %\label{fig:PosYieldBrightness-vs-Wthickness} %\end{figure} \subsection{The Model} \hspace{0.25in}The Simulation of %\begin{figure}[htbp] %\centerline{ %\scalebox{0.4} [0.4]{\rotatebox{0}{\includegraphics{Graphs/3-quad.eps}}} %\scalebox{0.12} [0.2]{\rotatebox{0}{\includegraphics{Graphs/positron_path_Sim.eps}}} %} %\caption{The left image illustrates the positron transport system conceptual design using three %quadrapole magnets and the right image represents the positron trajectories predicted by the simulation. %} %\label{fig:QuadPosTransSystem} %\end{figure} \subsection{Reults} \begin{tabular}{|c|l|}\hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ Table of Results}\\ \hline Element & Power (kW)\\ \hline \hline Tungsten Target & 22 \\ First Quad Magnet & 25 \\ Second Quad Magnet & 15 \\ Third Quad Magnet & 5 \\ Collimator & 28 \\ \hline \label{tabl:HeatLoad} \end{tabular} \begin{thebibliography}{5} \bibitem{Ito_1991}Y. Ito, {\it et. al}, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. {\b A 305} (1991) 269. \bibitem{Radbeam} K.G. Lynn, {\it et. al}, Rev. Sci. Instr., {\b 51} (1980) 977. \bibitem{Fatigue}"Fatigue and Durability of Structural Materials", S.S. Manson and G.R. Halford, ASM International, ISBN-10 \# 0-87170-825-6 \bibitem{HuntDefects} A. W. Hunt,{\it et. al}, Nucl. Inst. and Meth., {\b B241} ,(2005), 362. \end{thebibliography} \end{document}